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5 results
  • A group of urchins have caused havoc in a farmyard and killed a cockerel but they are pursued by the dog and a man with a birch stick. Engraved by Charles Rolls after Alexander Fraser.
  • Elisha on his way to Bethel is taunted for his baldness by small boys: he curses them, and two she-bears come out of the woods and kill the boys. Engraving by C. Ryckemans after P. de Jode.
  • Istituto di St. Michele (home for delinquent children), Rome, Italy. Etching by I. Noval after G. Vasi, 1747.
  • A boy is caught by a shopkeeper and threatened with a stick as punishment for breaking a window. Coloured lithograph after J.R. Barfoot.
  • A boy is accused of breaking a shop window while the real culprits hide behind a water pump. Engraving by H. Lemon after W.H.Knight.