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7 results
  • An HIV positive woman with her child representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City. Colour lithograph.
  • An HIV positive man with his partner representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City. Colour lithograph.
  • A father who is HIV positive with his child representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City. Colour lithograph.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
  • Gold cup designed by Henry S. Wellcome and presented to Thomas F. Bayard. Photogravure, ca. 1897.
  • Hieronymi Fabricii ab Aquapendente ... Opera anatomica. De formatu foetu. De formatione ovi & pulli. De locutione, & eius instrumentis. De brutorum loquela. Cum indicibus capitum et rerum notatu dignarum.... Et figuris aeneis / [Fabricius].
  • Vases of flowers and a botanic garden with Saint Peter. Oil painting by O'Brien.