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222 results
  • Services for HIV-positive men in Camden and Islington / Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team.
  • Services for HIV-positive men in Camden and Islington / Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team.
  • Information about how to get free medical care for HIV positive gay men; advertisement by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Margeotes Fertitta & Weiss, 1993.
  • A group of men some of whom are HIV positive representing an advertisement for the HIV test and the AIDS hotline. Colour lithograph.
  • Fuck! : He's HIV positive : what do you say? ... / Gay Men Fighting AIDS.
  • Fuck! : He's HIV positive : what do you say? ... / Gay Men Fighting AIDS.
  • Two men kissing with the words 'HIV positive or negative' representing an advertisment for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Two pairs of hands demonstrating shiatsu massage for those with HIV by Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS counselling for HIV positive men in Berlin. Photocopy, 1995.
  • HIV negative men, HIV positive men have a responsibility to protect themselves, their partners : your sexual partners may not always insist on using condoms : stopping transmission of HIV is your responsibility / GMFA.
  • HIV negative men, HIV positive men have a responsibility to protect themselves, their partners : your sexual partners may not always insist on using condoms : stopping transmission of HIV is your responsibility / GMFA.
  • Iris, an HIV positive woman with two men and the message in Italian: "Iris is HIV positive - we stand by her"; one of a series of posters from a Solidarity 'Stop AIDS' campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Iris, an HIV positive woman with two men and the message in Italian: "Iris is HIV positive - we stand by her"; one of a series of posters from a Solidarity 'Stop AIDS' campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Iris, an HIV positive woman with two men with the message in German: "Iris is HIV positive - we stand by you"; one of a series of posters from a Solidarity 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the der AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • I've just tested HIV+ : what next? a website for gay men who've recently found out they're HIV positive / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Two men caress in a shower with the words 'HIV positive or negative' representing an advertisment for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • I've just tested HIV+ what next? : : a website for gay men who've recently found out they're HIV positive / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • The painted faces of two men, one above the other, by Bruno; with the message that being HIV positive does not mean the end; an advertisement by Mann-O-Meter, the information and telephone service for gay men. Colour lithograph.
  • Four men and a woman on the side of a rockface with the message 'Positiv/Aktiv; a message about being positive and active when HIV positive by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Two gay men lean into each other as they stand at a bar with drinks with the message: "[HIV] positive living. Anyone can be [HIV] positive. Without knowing it. This means for everyone, protecting themselves and others. Even positive living"; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Jörg Reichardt and Detlev Pusch.
  • Two gay men lean into each other as they stand at a bar with drinks with the message: "[HIV] positive living. Anyone can be [HIV] positive. Without knowing it. This means for everyone, protecting themselves and others. Even positive living"; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Jörg Reichardt and Detlev Pusch.
  • Two men stand next to each other looking to the right, one wearing rolled down dungarees to reveal his bare chest; with the message in German 'Humanity is contagious. With HIV (positive) [men] do not work'; an advertisement by the AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by PK&P.
  • Two bare-chested men wearing jeans and moustaches hold each other with the message in German: "My friend is [HIV] positive. I love him"; an advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by I. Taubhorn and W. Mudra.
  • Two men kissing with the message HIV-positive people have the right to have sex; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Helseutvalget For Homofile, the Norwegian Gay and Health Committte. Lithograph by Fin-Serck-Hanssen, ca. 1995.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • The faces of HIV Positive men and women with a message that HIV does not discriminate but people do; advertisement by the National AIDS Campaign and Australian National Council on AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A group photograph of gay men standing in a triangular formation with the message 'Friends remain friends, HIV positive or not'; an advertisement for helplines for those with AIDS and HIV by Het AIDS team in Antwerp. Colour lithograph by Wilberto van den Boogaard, ca. 1995.
  • Two men smiling facing forward with their arms wrapped around each other with the message 'My friend is HIV positive, I love him'; an advertisement for solidarity for gay and lesbians with HIV by the Coordinadora gai-lesbiana. Colour lithograph by Josep Bagà and Pep Àvila., ca. 1997.
  • Killer virus from outer space : be afraid, very afraid.. of the virus, not the man / Pride and prejudice was created by HIV positive gay and bisexual men from Juice and "Positive Voice", with assistance from Gay Men's Health, Waverley Care Trust and funded by Health Gay Scotland ; photographic work led by Rebecca Marr, design & internet consultant Design Resource Ltd.
  • The cruel scene : this was his story but not as he wanted it to be told / Pride and prejudice was created by HIV positive gay and bisexual men from Juice and "Positive Voice", with assistance from Gay Men's Health, Waverley Care Trust and funded by Health Gay Scotland ; photographic work led by Rebecca Marr, design & internet consultant Design Resource Ltd.