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47 results
  • The Hôtel de Soissons in Paris. Etching by I. Silvestre.
  • Hôtel de Ville, Paris, France. Photograph by Achille Quinet, ca. 1870.
  • The jousting match at the Hôtel des Tournelles in Paris in 1559, in which Henri II of France loses his life. Etching by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • A blurred figure in the foreground looks at a hospital bed, a photograph by Gladys representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: "Views: caregivers at the heart of the AIDS years" at the Hôtel de Miramon from 1st December [World AIDS Day] 1992 to 16th January 1993 by the Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Lithograph.
  • F. Marques, a nurse, talks to a colleague in a hospital: a photograph by Manuel Aries representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: "Views: caregivers at the heart of the AIDS years" at the Hôtel de Miramon from 1st December [World AIDS Day] 1992 to 16th January 1993 by the Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Lithograph.
  • A doctor and nurse tending an AIDS patient in a hospital bed, a photograph by Pierre Michaud representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: "Views: caregivers at the heart of the AIDS years" at the Hôtel de Miramon from 1st December [World AIDS Day] 1992 to 16th January 1993 by the Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Lithograph.
  • Paris: the Hôtel de Nevers (left) and the Tour de Nesle (right). Etching.
  • Hôtel Les Invalides, Paris, France. Photograph by H.-C. Plaut.
  • An (iron?) tower with Hôtel Les Invalides in the background, Paris, France. Photograph by Achille Quinet, ca. 1870.
  • The Hôtel Dieu, Paris. Line engraving by R. Wallis, 1830, after B. Ferrey.
  • The Hôtel Dieu, Paris. Line engraving by R. Wallis, 1830, after B. Ferrey.
  • The Hospital Dieu, Paris: view of the portico. Etching.
  • The Hospital Dieu, Paris: view of the portico. Etching.
  • The Hospital Dieu, Paris: view of the portico. Etching.
  • Paris: the Hôtel de Nevers (left) and the Tour de Nesle (right). Etching.
  • The Hôtel Dieu, Paris: panoramic view with busy foreground. Etching by Grimdel?, 1877, after himself, 1868.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: panoramic view. Line engraving.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris. Tinted lithograph by Aubrun after himself.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris. Etching by R. Wallis after Captain Batty.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris. Etching.
  • The Hôtel Dieu, Paris: as seen from Pont St. Michel and the river. Etching by J. Huguenet after A. Testard.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: from the Breteuil walk. Coloured line engraving.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: from the central court. Line engraving by W. Taylor, 1830, after B. Ferrey.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: panoramic view from the river. Engraving by Elizabeth Byrne, 1821, after F. Nash.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: soldiers outside the principal facade. Line engraving by W. Watkins, 1831, after B. Ferry.
  • Description générale de l'Hostel Royal des Invalides établi par Louis le Grand dans la Plaine de Grenelle près Paris. Avec les plans, profils & élévations de ses faces, coupes et appartemens / [Anon].
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: panoramic view. Line engraving.
  • Église Métropolitaine and the Hôtel Dieu, Paris: panoramic view. Etching.
  • Avis : le public est prévenu que l'Hospice Central de l'Inoculation de la Vaccine est ouvert à tous les pères et mères qui voudront y faire admettre leurs enfans / Les membres du Comité, Thouret, Président; Leroux, Guillotin, Pinel, Parfait, Delaroche, Salmade, Doussin-Dubreuil, Jadelot, Lasteyrie, Marin, Mongenot, et Husson, secrétaire.
  • Hôtel des Invalides, Paris: as seen from the river. Lithograph by Le Villain after J. David.