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39 results
  • A young man in a frock coat stands talking to a woman who is pointing towards a canopied bed. Aquatint by George Hunt after M. Egerton.
  • [Undated handbill (December 1881) for the Royal Aquarium advertising Farini's (William Hunt) wonder of wonders, the tattooed Captain Georges Costentenus and the Leopard Boy].
  • [Undated handbill (December 1881) for the Royal Aquarium advertising Farini's (William Hunt) wonder of wonders, the tattooed Captain Georges Costentenus and the Leopard Boy].
  • [Newspaper cutting titled: New wonders at the Royal Aquarium (November 1881?) in Mr. Farini's (William Hunt) Gallery. These are Captain Georges Costentenus and the Leopard Boy].
  • John Hunter's body taken away from Saint George's Hospital.
  • A memoir of William & John Hunter / [George C. Peachey].
  • The confirmation ceremony for a group of boys; one of them confuses confirmation with vaccination. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt, 1831.
  • The confirmation ceremony for a group of boys; one of them confuses confirmation with vaccination. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt, 1831.
  • The confirmation ceremony for a group of boys; one of them confuses confirmation with vaccination. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt, 1831.
  • John Wesley: he visits his mother's grave in Bunhill Fields, London. Aquatint by G. Hunt after W. Lee.
  • A barber cutting a customer while shaving him; the customer retaliates by biting the barber's finger. Coloured aquatint by G. & C. Hunt after M. Egerton.
  • A fat farmer and a young woman at a sea-side resort; behind them are two establishments, "Baths Shampooing" and "Charles Wright's Champagne". Aquatint with etching by G. Hunt and T. Lane after T. Lane.
  • A barber cuts a man's face while shaving him; a second barber cuts a cross-eyed boy's hair; a third lathers the face of another man. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt after T. Lane.
  • A group of merry, dancing former invalids discarding their medicines in favour of alcohol as a cure. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt, 1827, after T. Lane.
  • A gouty man savouring his feast. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt after E.Y.
  • A woman in a bonnet and carrying a parasol is approaching a young woman who has a basket of eels on the ground and a young man who has a donkey with panniers full of fruit. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt after M. Egerton.
  • A young couple face one another during a dance watched with interest by another woman in the background. Etching and aquatint by G. Hunt after M. Egerton, 1825.
  • Two women sit at a table drinking tea and gossiping, so taken up with what they are saying that the tea is accidently poured on the cat. Aquatint by G. Hunt after M. Egerton.
  • An apothecary, John Simmonds, and his boy apprentice, William, working in the laboratory of John Bell's pharmacy. Engraving by J.G. Murray, 1842, after W.H. Hunt.
  • A barber standing outside his shop confuses a passer-by with an ambiguously worded notice. Etching by R.W. Smart and aquatint by G. Hunt after W.H. Pyne.
  • A deer-hunting party following their hounds to a river into which they have chased a stag. Chromolithograph after A. Grant.
  • The works of John Hunter ... with notes / Edited by James F. Palmer. [With life and bibliography of Hunter by D. Ottley].
  • British politicians as huntsmen arriving at a river representing the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act 1887. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 3 December 1887.
  • The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son.
  • The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son.
  • The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son.
  • The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe : with his letters and journals, and his life, by his son.
  • William Hunter (1718-1783) in his museum in Windmill Street on the day of resurrection, surrounded by skeletons and bodies, some of whom are searching for their missing parts. Engraving, 1782.
  • William Hunter (1718-1783) in his museum in Windmill Street on the day of resurrection, surrounded by skeletons and bodies, some of whom are searching for their missing parts. Engraving, 1782.
  • Three horses standing near a thatched cottage in the moors. Steel engraving by G. Zobel after E. H. Landseer.