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191 results
  • Fragile X metaphase spread
  • Fragile X metaphase spread
  • Fragile X chromosome, various stains
  • Fragile X metaphase spread + nucleus
  • Fragile X metaphase spread + nucleus
  • Fragile X chromosome, atomic force microscope
  • Fragile X pedigree + rflp autoradiograph
  • Fragile X pedigree + rflp autoradiograph
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - normal
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - female carrier
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - male, no stain
  • Fragile X diagnostic test - male, no stain
  • Diagnostic test for Fragile X, using presence (normal) or absence (Fragile X syndrome) of FMR-1 protein. FMR-1 protein expression in blood cells has been made visible with antibodies against the FMR-1 protein. The presence of FMR-1 protein is made visible as red staining. a: red staining in cells of normal individual. b/c: absence of staining in male patient. d: female patient; one cell is showing staining and in the other cell there is an absence of staining - this individual is a carrier.
  • A dilapidated hay wain, pulled by emaciated donkeys (Mental and Physical Weakness) is driven by a young man (Torpor) and carries two women in rags (Poverty and Humility) while three women (Fragility, Patience and Servitude) accompany the cart; representing the attributes of human existence. Engraving by Cornelis Cort, 1564, after M. van Heemskerck.
  • The white silhouette of a butterfly representing the fragility of those living with AIDS against a grey/black tablet form; with the message in German, 'Verdict. AIDS. People with AIDS. Convicted of fear. AIDS see and judge. As the disease. We are concerned'; one of 3 posters advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Tirol. Colour lithograph by Nicolai Buchinger.
  • The white silhouette of a butterfly representing the fragility of those living with AIDS against a grey/black tablet form; with the message in German, 'Fear. Disease and death. We shun them because we are alive. We displace it, because we are afraid. Meet the fear. Through confrontation'; one of 3 posters advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Tirol. Colour lithograph by Nicolai Buchinger.
  • The white silhouette of a butterfly representing the fragility of those living with AIDS against a grey/black tablet form; with the message in German, ''Help. Disease and death. They are part of life. People with AIDS are fellow human beings. We help them by making them accept. Through encounters and integration"; one of 3 posters advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Tirol. Colour lithograph by Nicolai Buchinger.
  • Complete skeleton of a flamingo (Phoenicopteridae). Flamingos are tall wading birds with long, delicate legs and downturned bills. They also have long, curved necks which are made up of multiple vertebrae as seen here. The flamingo is 62 cm from ground to shoulder.
  • Complete skeleton of a marabou stork
  • Tussipect : Das Expectorans aus Primula-Wurzel mit dem gewichtsmäßig exakt festgelegten Saponingehalt.
  • Tussipect : Das Expectorans aus Primula-Wurzel mit dem gewichtsmäßig exakt festgelegten Saponingehalt.
  • Tussipect : Expectorans aus Primulawurzel mit gewichtsmäßig genau festgelegtem Gehalt an Primulasaponin.
  • Tussipect : Expectorans aus Primulawurzel mit gewichtsmäßig genau festgelegtem Gehalt an Primulasaponin.
  • Tussipect : Das Expectorans aus Primula-Wurzel mit dem gewichtsmäßig exakt festgelegten Saponingehalt.
  • Tussipect : Expectorans aus Primulawurzel mit gewichtsmäßig genau festgelegtem Gehalt an Primulasaponin.
  • Tussipect : Expectorans aus Primulawurzel mit gewichtsmäßig genau festgelegtem Gehalt an Primulasaponin.
  • Tussipect : Das Expectorans aus Primula-Wurzel mit dem gewichtsmäßig exakt festgelegten Saponingehalt.
  • A fungus (Russula queletii?): three fruiting bodies, one sectioned. Watercolour by E. Wheeler, 1893.
  • Ruptured blood vessel
  • Ruptured blood vessel