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22 results
  • Oil is spilling on to a man as he walks by the ladder of the lamplighter. Etching by Richard Dighton, 1821.
  • A boy is carrying meat on a container across his shoulders, the handles threaten to poke out the eye of a passer-by. Etching by Richard Dighton, 1821.
  • Snow falls on to the head of a passer-by as it is shovelled off a roof, causing his hat to cover his eyes. Etching by Richard Dighton, 1821.
  • A woman is passing a shop selling oil lamps and is knocked off her feet by the blast of an explosion. Etching by Richard Dighton.
  • A woman is nearly knocked over by a man carrying a large item on his head. Etching by Richard Dighton, 1821.
  • A man dressed in fine clothes is shielding his face from the mud which is spattering on him as it is thrown onto the passing cart. Etching by Richard Dighton.
  • A Greenwich Pensioner sits with a Chelsea Pensioner, telling stories of their campaigns: each is disabled in various ways. Coloured etching by Robert Dighton, 1801.
  • The figure of a woman representing the map of Scotland. Etching by Robert Dighton, 1794.
  • A Russian nobleman riding with his servant and smoking a hooka. Coloured lithograph by D. Dighton, c. 1820, after A. Orlowski.
  • A London dentist extracting a tooth from a woman's mouth; her female companion and the dentist's black servant-boy are present. Coloured mezzotint after Robert Dighton, ca. 1784.
  • Twenty-five moral tales. Line engraving after [R.] Dighton after B. Franklin.
  • Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid. Coloured etching by Richard Dighton, 1824.
  • Three affluent doctors congratulating themselves on their profession. Coloured mezzotint, 1793, after Robert Dighton.
  • John Grosvenor. Coloured etching by Robert Dighton, 1808.
  • Three affluent doctors congratulating themselves on their profession. Coloured mezzotint, 1793, after Robert Dighton.
  • Three affluent doctors congratulating themselves on their profession. Coloured mezzotint, 1793, after Robert Dighton.
  • John Ireland. Coloured etching by Robert Dighton, 1807.
  • Sir Matthew Wood. Coloured etching by Richard Dighton, 1819.
  • James Wood. Coloured etching by Robert Dighton, 1809.
  • A woman shown half as clothed human being and half as skeleton. Coloured etching, 17--.
  • Samuel Horsley, Bishop of St. Asaph. Coloured etching by Robert Dighton, 1809.
  • A man, half human and half skeleton. Coloured etching after R. Dighton, 17--.