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8 results
  • Bransby Blake Cooper. Lithograph by J. Bizo.
  • Bransby Blake Cooper. Mezzotint by W. H. Simmons after E. U. Eddis, 1842.
  • Bransby Blake Cooper. Photogravure of the mezzotint by W. H. Simmons after E. U. Eddis, 1842.
  • Bransby Blake Cooper: he is attacked by a man holding a giant lancet, representing the Lancet (medical journal). Coloured etching by "Dicky Fubs" [H. Heath?], 1828.
  • Bransby Blake Cooper, acquiring gold coins by his appointment to Guy's Hospital, is attacked by a lancet, representing the journal The lancet and its editor Thomas Wakley. Coloured etching by W. Heath (Paul Pry), 182-.
  • Benjamin Harrison, the autocratic treasurer of Guy's hospital, receiving tributes from Sir Astley Cooper and his associates. Coloured lithograph attributed to R. Cruikshank, ca. 1830.
  • Benjamin Harrison, the autocratic treasurer of Guy's hospital, receiving tributes from Sir Astley Cooper and his associates. Coloured lithograph attributed to R. Cruikshank, ca. 1830.
  • Benjamin Harrison, the autocratic treasurer of Guy's hospital, receiving tributes from Sir Astley Cooper and his associates. Coloured lithograph attributed to R. Cruikshank, ca. 1830.