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114 results
  • Two women are fighting in the street as acrowd cheers them on. Etching, 17--.
  • A boy rides on the back of a pig scattering the chickens, one boy falls off and another cheers them on. Etching.
  • Borago officinalis L. Boraginaceae. Borage. officinalis indicates it was used in the 'offices' - the consulting clinics - of medieval monks. Distribution: Europe. Culpeper: “... comforts the heart, cheers the spirit, drives away sadness and melancholy, they are rather laxative than binding
  • A lady buys some black garters to cheer up her sick husband. Wood engraving, c. 1900.
  • A woman pushing a large wheelbarrow full of cherries. Etching.
  • Boer War: a soldier reads out good news from the front as others cheer and a barber stops work. Halftone, 1900, after F. Dadd after H. Egersdorfer.
  • A crowd gathers and some throw confetti to cheer on a couple whose horse-drawn carriage awaits to take them to the church for their marriage. Engraving.
  • A couple being carried along above the heads of a cheering crowd. Etching by George Cruikshank.
  • Three doctors representing diet, cheerfulness and rest, defend their patient from death. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1813.
  • A strange looking man on a stage is being cheered on by his audience. Engraving by C. Grignion after R. Smirke.
  • A group of girls are sitting on the ground under a tree with a basket of cherries. Engraving by T. Brown after Birket Foster.
  • The Royal Hotel, Slough, with a train arriving at the adjacent railway station attended by mounted guardsmen and cheering crowds. Engraving, 184-.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: view of the Pensioners cheering and waving their hats and sticks, at a King Charles's Day Parade. Wood engraving.
  • Daniel O'Connell drives a coach containing cheering schoolboy politicians that departs from the "Victoria Establishment". Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1840.
  • King Edward VII leads his horse Minoru through a cheering crowd to the winner's encloure after winning the Derby in 1909. Chromolithograph after J. S. Wells.
  • Men on horseback are jumping over a fence with people cheering them on from the side of the road. Colour process print after E.Œ.Somerville.
  • John Williams, a bookseller stands in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Engraving with ten verses in five columns below, 1765.
  • A country scene with many activities depicted: these include, from left to right, picking cherries, bathing, hay-making, hunting, and eating and drinking. Engraving by M. Merian after S. Vrancx.
  • Drunken sailors round a table cheering and throwing their hats in the air as a man with a wooden leg recounts the Battle of the Nile. Reproduction of an etching by C. H., c. 1825, after G. Cruikshank.
  • A jester with a small guitar slung over his shoulder offers cherries to a bird on his hand as another bird takes the fruit from the plate on the floor, and a chained monkey looks on. Engraving by E. Mohn after A. Lambron.
  • Marat, seated in a sedan chair, is carried in a triumphant procession of the revolutionary mob in the street of Paris. Engraving by W. Greatbach after T. Johannot.
  • Marat, seated in a sedan chair, is carried in a triumphant procession of the revolutionary mob in the street of Paris. Engraving by W. Greatbach after T. Johannot.
  • Crowds of people gathered at an entertainment at Basford, Staffordshire, including music and a balloon. Coloured wood engraving, 1859.
  • The Entente Cordiale: Marianne (a woman representing France) is chasing away a frog on which is written "Anglophobia"; King Edward VII and President Émile Loubet shaking hands in the background. Ink drawing by A.S. Boyd, ca. 1903.
  • A dentist examining a patients teeth and informing him they are all in exceedingly bad condition. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1882.
  • Your key to promoting safer sex : Durex condom keyrings : the ideal way to remove inhibitions fom carrying condoms / LRC Products Limited.
  • Your key to promoting safer sex : Durex condom keyrings : the ideal way to remove inhibitions fom carrying condoms / LRC Products Limited.
  • Fruit and Vegetables - Year 2000 prices
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint Joseph, Saint Zacharias and Saint John the Baptist. Etching by W. Unger after Titian.
  • Fruit and Vegetables - Year 2000 prices