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132 results
  • Complementary feeding: mother feeding child
  • Illustration depicting semi-conservative DNA replication. Three generations of DNA are shown. After separation of the DNA double helix, two new complementary DNA strands are synthesised (indicated by a new colour). Complementary base pairing and hydrogen bonding results in formation of a new double helix.
  • Illustration of the DNA double helix. The sugar-phosphate backbone of the two complementary strands are visible (red and blue).
  • One week dietary therapy seminar : 10-14 September 1984 : The Institute for Complementary Medicine, London / L.G. Plaskett (president).
  • Body Positive Women : a group for women only, living with HIV or AIDS, offering support, welfare advice, complementary therapies and information in a safe environment : we are based at 51b Philbeach Gardens, London SW5 ... / Body Positive.
  • Body Positive Women : a group for women only, living with HIV or AIDS, offering support, welfare advice, complementary therapies and information in a safe environment : we are based at 51b Philbeach Gardens, London SW5 ... / Body Positive.
  • Future meetings (please note change of room) : HIV positive through NHS treatment: what future? ... Alternative & complementary treatments for HIV/AIDS ... HIV/AIDS and prisons : the management of HIV in prisons / The All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS.
  • Future meetings (please note change of room) : HIV positive through NHS treatment: what future? ... Alternative & complementary treatments for HIV/AIDS ... HIV/AIDS and prisons : the management of HIV in prisons / The All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS.
  • Illustration depicting semi-conservative DNA replication. A DNA double helix prior to replication is shown in the top left of the image. The sugar phosphate backbone and nucleotide bases are visible. Complementary base pairing of adenine with thymine (blue with green) and guanine with cytosine (red with yellow) is shown. During replication, a length of the double helix temporarily unwinds and separates into two strands. Free nucleotides bind by complementary base pairing to the recently exposed nucleotides on each strand which act as a template. Two new double helices are formed, each containing one original generation and one new generation strand of DNA. The sequence of base pairs in each double helix is identical to the original.
  • A selection of alternative medicines
  • Hedge mustard pollen
  • Achillea millefolium (Yarrow); wound healing, antispasmodic
  • A selection of alternative medicines
  • A selection of alternative medicines
  • John Dee's crystal, used for clairvoyance & healing, 17th C
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • DNA double helix
  • Von Ziemssen's handbook of general therapeutics.
  • Von Ziemssen's handbook of general therapeutics.
  • A wonderful oil : Olbas the unsurpassed natural home remedy.
  • A wonderful oil : Olbas the unsurpassed natural home remedy.
  • A wonderful oil : Olbas the unsurpassed natural home remedy.
  • A wonderful oil : Olbas the unsurpassed natural home remedy.
  • Treat yourself : a day of alternative therapies at charity prices for Crusaid : Saturday 15th February 1992 ...