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76 results
  • Crimean War, England: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert inspecting the wounded Grenadier Guards in Buckingham Palace. Coloured lithograph by G. Thomas after himself, 1855.
  • Boxing night and until further notice : special engagement of Herr Joseph Drasal, the Tyrolese Giant, aged 32 years, the tallest man in the world, measuring eight feet four inches also Colonel D. Ulpts, the Tyrolese Midget, aged 22 years, measuring 34 inches high. First appearance in England / South London Palace, London Road, near the Elephant & Castle ... under the sole management of  Mr. H. Ulph, Jun.
  • Guanimycin : Buckingham Palace.
  • Guanimycin : Buckingham Palace.
  • Too many people are trying to get into a drawing room at Buckingham Palace, consequently people are being crushed and ladies' dresses are being trodden on. Etching by George Cruikshank.
  • The Crystal Palace during its re-erection at Sydenham, London: a large celtic cross and other statues in the unfinished interior. Photograph by Philip Delamotte, ca. 1854.
  • The Crystal Palace during its re-erection at Sydenham, London: construction workers taking a break on site. Photograph by Philip Delamotte, ca. 1854.
  • The Crystal Palace during its re-erection at Sydenham, London: metal girders. Photograph by Philip Delamotte, ca. 1854.
  • The Crystal Palace during its re-erection at Sydenham, London: statues and bas-reliefs awaiting positioning in the unfinished interior. Photograph by Philip Delamotte, ca. 1854.
  • The Crystal Palace during its re-erection at Sydenham, London: sphinxes in the unfinished interior. Photograph by Philip Delamotte, ca. 1854.
  • The "Crystal Palace" from the Great Exhibition, installed at Sydenham. Coloured process print, ca. 1861 (?).
  • The Painted Chamber of the Palace of Westminster. Lithograph by J.T. Smith, 1806.
  • The Queens' House, Greenwich: plans of the ground and first floors, with a scale and dimensions. Engraving by H. Hulsenbergh after C. Campbell, 1715.
  • New Zealand nurse honoured 7-11-44 / Central Press Photos Ltd. incorporating Central News Illustrations Service.
  • New Zealand nurse honoured 7-11-44 / Central Press Photos Ltd. incorporating Central News Illustrations Service.
  • People and carriages converging on Buckingham House - being met by a fire-breathing monster; representing the King's cancellation of the 'Drawing Room' because of contracting gout. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1823.
  • The Queens' House, Greenwich, from the south, with one of the domes of the Royal Naval Hospital in the background. Wood engraving.
  • The Crystal Palace from the Great Exhibition, installed at Sydenham: sculptures of prehistoric creatures in the foreground. Colour Baxter-process print by G. Baxter, 1864(?).
  • Handel festival in the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, London: a large audience attending a concert. Wood engraving by J. Mahoney, 1865.
  • The Queens' House, Greenwich: the southern elevation, with a scale of feet. Engraving by H. Hulsenbergh after C. Campbell, 1715.
  • Saint Agnes. Engraving by R. Strange, 1759, after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino.
  • [Undated handbill advertising an exhibition of the Irish Giant, German Giantess and the Giant Baby at the South London Palace].
  • The Great Exhibition in the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London: the transept looking north. Steel engraving by W. Lacey after J.E. Mayall, 1851.
  • The Queens' House, Greenwich, from the south, with the Royal Naval Hospital and London in the distance. Engraving.
  • The Herbert Military Hospital, Woolwich: the silhouette of the Crystal Palace visible on the horizon. Wood engraving by T. Heaviside after B. Sly, 1866.
  • [Undated newspaper cutting (September 1886) advertising an appearance by a giant (3 feet tall), 1 year old baby at the Albert Palace, Battersea, London].
  • [Undated handbill (1886) advertising an appearance by a giant (3 feet tall), 1 year old baby at the Albert Palace, Battersea, London ("Every one should see the giant baby")].
  • [Undated handbill (1886) advertising an appearance by a giant (3 feet tall), 1 year old baby at the Albert Palace, Battersea, London ("Every one should see the giant baby")].
  • [Undated newspaper cutting (September 1886) advertising an appearance by a giant (3 feet tall), 1 year old baby at the Albert Palace, Battersea, London].
  • A model electric railway with technical equipment for testing. Wood engraving by T.P. Collings, 1882.