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93 results
  • Furnace used in processing arsenic. Etching.
  • Manufacture of arsenic. Valentini, Museum museorum.
  • Diagram of products of arsenic used in chemotherapy.
  • A patient suffering adverse effects of arsenic treatment. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • A patient suffering adverse effects of arsenic treatment. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • An unscrupulous chemist selling a child arsenic and laudanum. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
  • Furnace used in the processing of arsenic. Etching by Bénard after L.J. Goussier.
  • A chemist gives a demonstration involving arsenic to an audience. Coloured lithograph by H. Daumier, 1841.
  • This month (April) you should abstain from hemlock, henbane, deadly mandrake, arsenic sublimate, etc., for most physicians agree that all these plants are more or less unwholesome ...
  • Death as a lethal confectioner making up sweets using arsenic and plaster of Paris as ingredients; representing the toxic adulteration of sweets in the 1858 Bradford sweets poisoning. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1858.
  • Full report, extracted from the "Times", of the extraordinary and interesting trial of Miss Madeleine Smith, of Glasgow, on the charge of poisoning by arsenic of her late lover, Emile L'Angelier, including the correspondence.
  • Full report, extracted from the "Times", of the extraordinary and interesting trial of Miss Madeleine Smith, of Glasgow, on the charge of poisoning by arsenic of her late lover, Emile L'Angelier, including the correspondence.
  • Full report, extracted from the "Times", of the extraordinary and interesting trial of Miss Madeleine Smith, of Glasgow, on the charge of poisoning by arsenic of her late lover, Emile L'Angelier, including the correspondence.
  • Full report, extracted from the "Times", of the extraordinary and interesting trial of Miss Madeleine Smith, of Glasgow, on the charge of poisoning by arsenic of her late lover, Emile L'Angelier, including the correspondence.
  • Dr. Mackenzie's Arsenical Soap.
  • Arsenical pigmentation of the skin
  • Cannon in arsenal, Nanking, Jiangsu province, China
  • A machine opperator, Nanking arsenal, Nanking, Jiangsu province, China
  • Tanjore: arsenal near the palace. Watercolour by an Indian painter.
  • Machines: a steam-driven crane at Woolwich Arsenal. Engraving, c.1858.
  • Yodelca : yodo, arsenico, fosforo : indicación precisa en los estados linfáticos, escrofulosis, tuberculosis ganglionar, etc. : Aditamina, concentrado de vitaminas A y D naturales, en aceite de hidago de pescado / Laboratorio Dr. Domingo Plasencia, S.A.
  • Yodelca : yodo, arsenico, fosforo : indicación precisa en los estados linfáticos, escrofulosis, tuberculosis ganglionar, etc. : Aditamina, concentrado de vitaminas A y D naturales, en aceite de hidago de pescado / Laboratorio Dr. Domingo Plasencia, S.A.
  • Nanking, Kiangsu province, China: three men examining a gun at the arsenal. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Nanking, Kiangsu province, China: three men examining a gun at the arsenal. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich Arsenal, London: the factory buildings seen from above. Lithograph by G. Clausen, 1917.
  • Engineering: a hoist in use at an arsenal. Engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after Leonardo da Vinci.
  • John Thomson at the Arsenal, Nanking, Kiangsu province, China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich Arsenal, London: a big gun barrel being turned on a lathe. Lithograph by G. Clausen, 1917.
  • Arsenal de la chirurgie contemporaine : description, mode d'emploi, et appréciation des appareils et instruments en usage ... / [Gustave Gaujot].
  • Arsenal de la chirurgie contemporaine : description, mode d'emploi, et appréciation des appareils et instruments en usage ... / [Gustave Gaujot].