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933 results
  • Angels venerating a monstrance. Coloured lithograph, 1842.
  • Angels pray at the birth of Christ. Chromolithograph.
  • Angels carrying the instruments of the Passion. Etching.
  • Angels presenting the Cross. Engraving by W.H. after P. van Avont.
  • Angels announcing the birth of Christ to the shepherds (?). Ink drawing.
  • Angels making up and dispensing a medicine. Wood inlay attributed to Luigi Gargiulo.
  • Angels making up and dispensing a medicine. Wood inlay attributed to Luigi Gargiulo.
  • Angels blow trumpets and fire descends upon the earth. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Angels venerating a monstrance containing an image of the lamb on the cross. Engraving.
  • Angels presenting the dead body of Christ. Lithograph by G. Sensi after F. de Ribalta.
  • Angels blow trumpets in heaven and fire descends on a river. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Angels adoring a monstrance underneath a baldachine which bears Papal and Jesuit symbols. Etching by J. Harrewijn.
  • Three angels administering to an old man. Etching.
  • Angels serve Christ with food after his ordeal in the wilderness. Engraving by J. Mariette after C. le Brun.
  • Angels playing musical instruments celebrate the ascension of Christ or a saint. Pen and ink drawing attributed to C. Tencalla (Tencala).
  • Angels playing musical instruments celebrate the ascension of Christ or a saint. Pen and ink drawing attributed to C. Tencalla (Tencala).
  • Bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (detail of bottom left)
  • Christ surrounded by angels, showing his Sacred Heart. Process print.
  • Saint Gregory the Great, wearing ecclesiastical dress and supported by two angels, is kneeling in prayer; angels above him. Engraving by J. Frey, 1733, after Annibale Carracci.
  • Saint Gregory the Great, wearing ecclesiastical dress and supported by two angels, is kneeling in prayer; angels above him. Etching by J. Ballin (?) after A. Carracci, 16--.
  • The crucified Christ bleeds into cups held by attending angels. Woodcut.
  • Saint Cecilia: she plays the organ, assisted by two angels. Engraving.
  • A bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (detail of bottom right)
  • Three angels appear to Christian. Engraving by Joseph Strutt after Thomas Stothard.
  • A large renaissance water garden with angels in the clouds above. Etching.
  • The Virgin with Child on clouds with angels. Coloured lithograph by N. Thomas.
  • An image of Christ showing his Sacred Heart is crowned by angels. Lithograph.
  • The Holy Shroud of Turin; above, mourning angels beside the Cross. Coloured etching.
  • Lucifer's angels tumble out of heaven, their limbs entwined. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-.
  • Abraham falls on his knees before the three angels. Engraving after Lucas van Leyden.