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933 results
  • People dying, as a result of the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Rats overunning a dilapidated house, spreading the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The global spread of plague, carried by rats. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A funeral in India(?) of a plague victim. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Scientists experimenting with rats to investigate the plague. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • The plague at Ashdod. Etching by C. Simonneau, ca. 1695, after R. La Fage.
  • Saint Anastasius: his head as an amulet against plague and witchcraft. Line engraving, 17--.
  • A physician and two assistants attending a plague patient. Lithographic reproduction of a woodcut.
  • Job stricken by plague, and his wife; in the background his devastated property. Woodcut.
  • A group of plague staff preparing to do some white washing, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • People suffering from the plague in Jerusalem. Wood engraving by J. Huyot after G. Doré.
  • 'Pest house' (isolation hospital in times of plague), Tothill Fields, Westminster, London. Lithograph, c. 1840.
  • People doing laundry at the dhobi ghat, during bubonic plague outbreak, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • Burying the dead during the plague of 1665. Etching by C. Grignion after S. Wale.
  • Directions for the prevention and cure of the plague. Fitted for the poorer sort / [Anon].
  • A camp of wigwams, during the outbreak of bubonic plague in Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • Patients being discharged from hospital, during the bubonic plague outbreak in Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • Discharged hospital patients after bubonic plague outbreak, being given relief money, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • Hospital staff disinfecting patients during the outbreak of bubonic plague in Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • The plague brings chaos; an oriental town in flames. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • Napoleon visiting the plague-stricken at Jaffa. Aquatint by G.A. Lehmann after Baron Gros.
  • The ship carrying the plague arrives in another country. Drawing by A.L. Tarter, 194-.
  • A hospital plague ward: attendants wearing protective clothing including headmasks and gloves. Watercolour, 1915/1935 (?).
  • Mauritius: a wooden, triangular isolation hut for plague (and other infectious diseases) quarantine. Photograph, 1910/1930.
  • Man being injected by doctor, during the outbreak of bubonic plague in Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • A group of Plague staff, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • A man sitting at a table examining passports, during a plague epidemic in Mandalay. Photograph, 1906.
  • The port of Marseille during the plague of 1720. Etching by J. Rigaud after M. Serre.
  • People living in the town of Dhobi Ghat, during bubonic plague outbreak, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.
  • Pathway through the centre of a segregation camp during bubonic plague outbreak, Karachi, India. Photograph, 1897.