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177 results filtered with: Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784
  • Human arterial system. Engraving by Benard, 1779, after engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, for Drake, 1707.
  • Pancreas, liver, spleen without its membranes, intestines, lacteals etc. after Kulm, Reverholt, Bidloo, Ruysch, Peyer and Heister. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers] / par une sociéte de gens de lettres. Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. [Anon].
  • Ventricles and valves of the heart, after Senac. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers] / par une sociéte de gens de lettres. Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. [Anon].
  • Coinage: (a) elevation (b) section of a furnace with tools of the trade. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts, et métiers] / Par une société de gens de lettres. Suite du Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. [Anon].
  • Tables with various components used in the making of parchments. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Diamond works: interior view (a) diamond cutters (b) elevations of faceted cut diamonds. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Textiles: section and plan of a bobbin used in the making of gold thread. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • Diamondworks: a selection of jewel mounts. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • The human venous and arterial systems. Engraving, after engravings by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper of 1702 and 1707.
  • Teeth, skull and patella (knee cap), the latter after Clopton Havers. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • A human skeleton, leaning against a tomb, after Vesalius: lateral view. Engraving by Benard, 1779, after a woodcut, 1543.
  • Nervous system after Vieussens (fig. 1); brain and spinal cord after Eustachius (fig. 2) Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • Coinage: (a) furnace (b) with various tools of the trade. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • A human skeleton, seen from the front, resting the bones of his left forearm on a spade handle, after Vesalius. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century, after a woodcut, 1543.
  • The muscles of the human body, first layer, seen from the front, after Albinus. Engraving by Benard, 1779, after an engraving, 1747.
  • Bead makers: various tools of the trade. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • The arteries and lungs (fig. 2), after Haller; the breast (fig. 3), after Nuck; branch of the bronchi (fig. 4), after Bidloo. Engraving by Prevost, 1762.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers] / par une sociéte de gens de lettres. Recueil de planches sur les sciences, les arts libéraux et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. [Anon].
  • Various implements used in the making of clay pipes. Etching.
  • Coinage: (a) elevation of a furnace (b) cross-section. Etching by Bénard after Lucotte.
  • The muscles of the hand, after Albinus, and of the foot, after De Courcelles. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • The kidney (figs 1-4), bladder and penis (fig. 5) after Nuck, Bertin and Duverney. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.
  • [Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers] / par une société de gens de lettres. Mis en ordre et publié par M. Diderot; et quant à la partie mathématique, par M. d'Alembert.
  • The female generative organs, after Haller. Engraving by Benard, late 18th century.