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223 results
  • A phrenologist working on the head of a boy. Watercolour painting by J. Leech.
  • The death mask of William Palmer, the poisoner. Lithograph after M. Krantz, c. 1860.
  • The death mask of William Palmer, the poisoner. Lithograph after M. Krantz, c. 1860.
  • The death mask of William Palmer, the poisoner. Lithograph after M. Krantz, c. 1860.
  • The celebrated lecture on heads / by George Stevens. With a new frontispiece. Price six-pence. [A notice of the publication of the work and of others by J. Pridden].
  • Try your bumps : buy Hudson's soap in dozens.
  • Try your bumps : buy Hudson's soap in dozens.
  • A phrenologist examining a man's characterful head. Lithograph.
  • The criminal / by Havelock Ellis.
  • The criminal / by Havelock Ellis.
  • The criminal / by Havelock Ellis.
  • The criminal / by Havelock Ellis.
  • A head divided into 35 cells representing human faculties. Woodcut, 1888, after M. Mihara.
  • Skull of a Caribbean person: side view. Lithograph by Engelmann after C.P. Mazer.
  • A phrenologist examines two skulls from his collection. Reproduction of an etching by H. Daumier.
  • Scull of a public woman, remarkable for the depravity of her morals, her great propensity to steal and cruellty.
  • Human skull: frontal view. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Johann Caspar Spurzheim. Lithograph by J.H. Bufford after A. Fisher.
  • Esposición sumaria del sistema frenológico del doctor Gall / [José Ramón Pacheco].
  • A smartly dressed woman examining the head of a military man. Coloured etching attributed to W. Heath, ca 1830.
  • Esposición sumaria del sistema frenológico del doctor Gall / [José Ramón Pacheco].
  • A smartly dressed woman examining the head of a military man. Coloured etching attributed to W. Heath, ca 1830.
  • Skull of a soldier: frontal view. Lithograph, 1835.
  • The death-mask of Maria Manning, the murderer: three views. Lithograph by John Lane.
  • The skull of the painter Raphael: frontal view. Lithograph by Engelmann after C.P. Mazer.
  • Head showing the 'convolutions' (lobes) of the brain. Pen drawing after R. W. Reid.
  • A bald phrenologist with a large forehead examining a skull, in a 'vanitas' pose. Mezzotint by W.O. Geller, 1833, after T.H. Illidge.
  • Head of "a backward boy" divided into four cerebral lobes: profile. Ink drawing with watercolour, c. 1900.
  • Skulls of male and female Capuchin monkeys, with vertical sections. Lithograph by G. Engelmann after C.P. Mazer, ca 1835.
  • A phrenologist holding a skull palpates a girl's skull, while her mother looks on. Lithograph by A-N. Delaunois after A. Debacq.