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519 results filtered with: Head
  • A woman in a state of attention without interest. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Decapitation of Saint John the Baptist. Stipple engraving by W. French after C. Dolci.
  • Four physiognomies. Drawings, c. 1789.
  • René Descartes: portrait. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Cross-section of skull in profile view, showing the intercranial nerves and vessels. Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar after Leonardo da Vinci, 1651.
  • Muscles of the face and neck. Engraving, 1686.
  • Idealized profile of Martha Hess, exemplifying Lavater's principle of the homogeneity of the face. Drawing, c. 1791, after J.H. Füssli.
  • Four heads of boys. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • A physician examining a urine specimen in which a faint figure of a baby is visible, a female patient is crying and being shouted at by her angry mother, indicating that she is pregnant. Watercolour by I.T., 1826.
  • An 'ideal head' shown to have slight idiosyncrasies in physiognomy. Drawing, c. 1789, after Raphael.
  • A phrenologist examines two skulls from his collection. Reproduction of an etching by H. Daumier.
  • Death mask of Martin, a parricide. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • William Battier and two officers of the Tenth Hussars having their heads examined by six phrenological practitioners. Coloured etching by L. Marks, 1824.
  • A youth whose physiognomy attests to unrefinability and obstinate weakness. Drawing, c. 1789, after D.N. Chodowiecki.
  • Twelve human profiles in outline, sectioned to show their disproportion. Drawing, c. 1794, after A. Dürer.
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • The woman clothed with the sun is attacked by a seven-headed dragon; her child is ejected up to God: representing the 12th Book of Revelation. Engraving.
  • Idealized profile of Martha Hess, exemplifying Lavater's principle of the homogeneity of the face. Drawing, c. 1791, after J.H. Füssli.
  • Oppyck: portrait. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • An écorché face showing the movements of facial muscles during laughter. Stipple engraving by H. Singleton (?) after G.T. Stubbs after G. Stubbs, 1815.
  • Profiles of three men deemed untrustworthy by Lavater in his account of physiognomy. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Sixteen portraits of classical poets and thinkers. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • An Italian bandit offering a French gentleman the piebald one of three 'hottentot' (steatopygous) women; representing Louis Sambon and Raphael Blanchard at an international medical congress. Halftone after M.S. Orr, 1913.
  • Decapitation of Saint John the Baptist. Line engraving by Rivers, 1813, after G. Douw.
  • Eight physiognomies. Drawings by D.N. Chodowiecki, ca. 1789, after C. Le Brun.
  • Three portraits shown for their phrenological exemplarity: Gall, Eustache and Chauffron. Lithograph by C. Picard, 1842, after J.P. Thenot.
  • Head of a lynx and two figures of the head of a beaver. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Four human faces and one cat's face: sketches. Drawing.
  • The head of a thoroughbred Hereford bull. Lithograph by A. Ducote, 1834.
  • A surgeon bleeding a man's head, he is aided by two assistants, a woman (the patient's wife ?) appears anxious. Engraving, 1586.