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234 results filtered with: Dinners and dining
  • The sense of taste: diners around a feasting table containing a swan and a human skeleton, above, scenes of communion and Abraham and the three angels. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • A great Temperance festival in the Corn-Exchange, Cork, in full swing. Wood-engraving after J. McDonald, 1843.
  • Carnival / Cunard White Star.
  • Banquet in honor of Sir William Henry Perkin : Delmonico's, October 6, 1906.
  • Australian scenery : river flats / Hunter Rogers.
  • London cries : the milk maid / Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company.
  • Luncheon to the representatives of Società Anonima Italiana J. & E. Atkinson : Bermondsey, August 15th, 1951.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Mr. Lambkin giving a speech at his wedding reception. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
  • Sancho Panza (the squire of Don Quixote) , at a banquet, being starved for health reasons by his physician. Lithograph by C. Nanteuil after M. de Cervantes Saavedra.
  • Abraham gives food to his three strange guests. Stipple engraving by G.S Facius and J.G. Facius, 1781, after B.E. Murillo.
  • Westerners at Yokohama, Japan, enjoying a lavish tea ceremony as a cellist plays to them. Coloured woodcut by Chikahisa, c. 1865, after Yoshikazu.
  • Chemical Society anniversary meetings : menu : Hulme Hall, Port Sunlight, 12th April, 1961.
  • Reception and banquet by the Corporation of London at Guildhall on Friday the 10th May 1929 : the Rt. Hon. Sir J.E. Kynaston Studd ...
  • New Guinea / Royal Interocean Lines.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Banquet in honor of Sir William Henry Perkin : Delmonico's, October 6, 1906.
  • Rio de Janeiro / Royal Interocean Lines.
  • Christ and the apostles share their last supper. Etching by A. Zucchi after S. Manaigo after G. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • The IV International Congresses on Tropical Medicine and Malaria: banquet at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C. Photograph, 1948.
  • Christ makes wine out of water at the marriage at Cana. Etching by B. Bertoccini after J.F. Overbeck, 1848.
  • A man making fun of a physician because he keeps two wild animals as pets, in a tent in India(?). Lithograph by R.J. Hamerton after himself.
  • Restaurant Express : la cuisine : ask for your free menu booklet.
  • Congrès international de l'éducation physique : 20 mars 1913 : menu / Palais d'Orsay.
  • Chelsea Pensioners hearing the news of the battle of Waterloo, outside the Duke of York public house. Engraving by J. Burnet, 1831, after D. Wilkie, 1822.
  • The supper of Saint Gregory: Saint Gregory seated at a table with his companions; a monk is pouring some wine. Engraving by G. Tomba after N. Angiolini after G. Vasari.
  • To meet the archbishops and bishops : the Lord Mayor & the Lady Mayoress request the honour of the company of... July 8th... / The Mansion House, London.
  • The bluebird / designed by R.B. Sutcliffe.
  • Suggested menus / Cunard White Star.
  • Any pizza to go £4.00 / ASK.