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531 results
  • World War One: a military medic having his head shaved by two men at a dressing station. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • World War One: (Lille?), France: West Riding Casualty Clearing Station: soldiers with a trolley of the wounded. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: demonstration of the Rogers trench stretcher by soldiers at Zelobes, Pas-de-Calais, France. Photograph, 1915.
  • World War One: Indian soldiers with bandaged hands are cared for by British military medics. Photograph by Alfieri, 1914/1918.
  • World War One: near the Somme Front, France: a Casualty Clearing Station operating theatre with surgeons at work. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: a Royal Naval hospital ship: a ward with medics standing next to the empty beds. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • World War One: men wounded at the Battle of Jutland on board a hospital ship; several with bandaged faces. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: Fricourt, France: a makeshift dressing station in a shell hole: a soldier has his eye bandaged. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: superintending Sister Quarns is seated in a chair at the Royal Hospital Haslar. Watercolour by O. Moser, 1919.
  • World War One: a busy scene at an army medical depot with Red Cross ambulances for the wounded. Watercolour, c. 1914.
  • World War One: Zelobes, France: Indian soldiers taking a patient on a stretcher from an ambulance to the dressing station. Photograph, 1915.
  • World War One: British prisoners of war at Ruhleben camp being examined for "barbed-wire disease" by a German army officer. Coloured pen and ink drawing by R. Walker, 1917.
  • A First World War military camp (?): straw enclosures to one side; a furnace or oven in the centre. Photograph, 1914/1918 (?).
  • The National Council of Defence Medical Board during World War One, chaired by General Gorgas (centre). Photograph by Harris & Ewing, 1914/1918.
  • World War One: Pushvillers, France: wounded soldiers on a trolley being taken from the Casualty Clearing Station to an ambulance train. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: a young soldier lies dying in a woman's arms on a deserted battlefield. Colour halftone, c. 1915, after D. Tennant.
  • World War One: convalescent Indian soldiers with British military medics and a nurse in a ward in the Royal Pavilion, Brighton. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • World War One: a military doctor is dressing the wound of a Russian woman soldier in a trench. Watercolour by F. Matania, 1917.
  • World War One: two scenes from a hospital ship, a burial service and slightly wounded men on deck. Two halftones, c. 1916, after photographs.
  • First World War: two soldiers, one badly wounded, being comforted on the battlefield by a vision of Christ. Colour halftone after G. Hillyard Swinstead, 1915.
  • World War One: a large snake, symbolic of a gas attack, strikes at a sleeping soldier. Colour halftone after a crayon drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • World War One surgeons (including George Grey Turner, far left): an international gathering in Washington D.C.: group portrait. Photograph by Harris & Ewing, 1918.
  • World War One: three prisoners crouch at the feet of a fourth man who incites them to action. Halftone after a crayon drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • World War One: a mounted Cossack ambulance convoy using horses as stretcher-bearers. Halftone after F. de Haenen, 1916, after a sketch by H. Seppings Wright.
  • World War One: [Bougaincourt?], France: a dressing station in a dug-out: a medic wearing a white gown with a patient on a makeshift bed. Photograph, 1916.
  • World War One: a German soldier crouches in fear between two saintly mediaeval sculptures; behind Notre Dame is burning. Halftone after a pen drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • Fayum, Egypt: a plague hospital on the First World War Western Front: a group of basic huts with soldiers and egyptian men standing to one side. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: one nurse checks a patient's temperature, a second washes a black man's face. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • World War One nurses, with arms outstretched, stand with soldiers on the steps of a large building during a ceremonial occasion, New York City. Photograph by Underwood & Underwood, 1918.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: one patient has his leg dressed, another gets injected and two nurses roll a bandage. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.