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2,304 results
  • An orang-utan climbing up a tree. Etching by T. Owen.
  • A flowering apple tree branch. Coloured lithograph, c. 1850, after Guenébeaud.
  • Green tree snake (Chondropython viridis), coiled around a branch. Photograph, 1900/1920.
  • Two parrots perched on a cashew-nut tree branch. Coloured etching.
  • An ultramarine ampelis sitting on a tree trunk. Etching by Heath.
  • Temple sculpture: two seated figures divided by a tree. Pencil drawing.
  • A lynx climbing up a tree. Etching [by J.E. Ridinger].
  • Maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba): branch with leaves and a fruit. Watercolour.
  • The blossom and fruit of a coffee tree (Coffea arabica) Photograph.
  • Papaya, pawpaw or melon tree (Carica papaya L.): flowering and fruiting tree with flowers and fruit lying on the ground beneath. Etching by G. D. Ehret, 1742, after himself.
  • Two gibbons are climbing a tree while a chimpanzee and two orang-utans are playing with thr branches of the tree on the ground. Coloured etching by S. Milne.
  • The flayed Marsyas is tied to a tree with his skin hanging over a branch of the tree. Line engraving with etching by R. Collin after J. von Sandrart.
  • Animals and plants from the East Indies, including chinese citron or natsumikan, jak fruit, nam-nam tree, bilimbi tree, betel nuts and filander. Line engraving after C. de Bruins, 1706.
  • Jak tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus) with fruit in the Society Islands. Pen drawing.
  • Henry Cyril Paget, 5th Marquis of Anglesey, seated by a tree.
  • Henry Cyril Paget, 5th Marquis of Anglesey, seated by a tree.
  • An old oak tree (Quercus robur) with surrounding vegetation. Lithograph, c. 1822.
  • Outline of a tall tree, dwarfing figure at its base. Pencil drawing.
  • A tree branch with large blue fruit, also some young leaves. Watercolour.
  • Palm tree (Inaja palm) with man standing beneath. Wood engraving, c. 1867.
  • Manzanita tree (Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth) in open landscape. Coloured lithograph, c.1857.
  • Sarawak: four Kayan people collecting gutta percha from a tree trunk. Photograph.
  • Kashmir: a tree-lined path by a canal. Photograph by Samuel Bourne.
  • Rowan tree cross bound with red wool, England. Collected by Lady Gomme.
  • A senior Scout poses next to a tree. Photographic postcard, ca. 1920.
  • South America: Three yellow throated sloths clambering up a tree. Coloured lithograph.
  • A chameleon sitting on a branch of a tree. Colour half tone.
  • Two young children sit under a tree on a grassy bank. Lithograph.
  • A senior Scout poses next to a tree. Photographic postcard, ca. 1920.
  • A tree; a man in the background. Lithograph by G. Samuel, 1808.