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653 results
  • Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, sit at a table within a very detailed stage set at Friedberg camp, Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • W.E. Gladstone and other Liberal politicians as prisoners being released from prison; relatives and friends waiting for them at the gate. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 18 December 1886.
  • W.E. Gladstone and other Liberal politicians as prisoners being released from prison; relatives and friends waiting for them at the gate. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 18 December 1886.
  • Two Chinese prisoners, shackled to large weights: one prisoner sits on a bench tea, while the other fans the flames of a small furnace. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 18--?.
  • Middlesex House of Correction: prisoners sitting on long benches untangling bundles of twine (picking oakum); a guard raises his hand. Wood engraving. after M. Fitzgerald, 1874.
  • World War One: three prisoners crouch at the feet of a fourth man who incites them to action. Halftone after a crayon drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, some in drag, posing on stage during a crowded scene of "La dame aux camélias"; at Sennelager prisoner of war camp in Germany. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Turkish prisoners sitting in a cell with a barred window; two of them are racing cockroaches. Process print by Meisenbach after H. Lanos after W.T. Maud.
  • Five prisoners in Persia walking around a yard bound together by chains, a guard with a sword walks nearby. Process print by C. Hentschel after F. Dadd.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, one in drag, performing a scene from "L'anglais tel qu'on le parle" at Friedberg Camp, Germany. Photographic postcard, 1917.
  • French or Belgian prisoners of war, one in drag, performing a scene from "L'anglais tel qu'on le parle" at Friedberg Camp, Germany. Photographic postcard, 1917.
  • A gaoler, wearing a Phrygian cap, reading out summons for executions to distressed prisoners of the French Revolution. Line engraving by W. Greatbach after A. Johannot, 1881.
  • Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York: prisoners in uniform are marching towards the penitentiary after hard labour outside, supervised by armed guards. Wood engraving after G.U. Régamey.
  • Boer War: bringing in the wounded Boer prisoners of war after the Battle of Magersfontein. Halftone by C.H. after P.F.S. Spence after Captain Ferguson.
  • Two Chinese prisoners with their necks enclosed in stocks known as the 'cangue', watched by a guard and a weeping woman. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.
  • Men and women are prisoners in cells, one man is being tortured by having the soles of his feet beaten with a stick. Wood engraving after G. Durand.
  • Middlesex House of Correction: male prisoners treading on the boards of a treadmill: in the foreground others sit resting. Wood engraving by W.B. Gardner, 1874, after M. Fitzgerald.
  • Two prisoners sitting together in a cell and one watching them from a distance; representing unwarranted social isolation of AIDS-infected and ill people in jail. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Men and women are gathered outside a prison in Cairo as prisoners look out from behind the bars, and a child stands on ledge to look through the window. Wood engraving after J.C. Horsley, 1876.
  • Fourteen male prisoners in Persia sitting on the ground in a group bound together at the neck by chains, with an armed guard. Wood engraving, 1873, after Evelyn H. Ellis.
  • World War One: British prisoners of war at Ruhleben camp being examined for "barbed-wire disease" by a German army officer. Coloured pen and ink drawing by R. Walker, 1917.
  • Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York: prisoners are sitting at benches eating and reading as a man at the top of the room watches over them. Wood engraving after G.U. Régamay.
  • Chinese prisoners being subjected to torture: two men are shown bound and suspended from a horizontal pole, watched by their torturer, while two others await a similar fate below. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.