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921 results
  • Diana [Artemis] as goddess of the moon. Engraving by J. Matham, 1615, after H. Goltzius.
  • St. Kitts: six scenes. Engraving by H.A. Châtelain, 1732.
  • An alchemist making gold. Oil painting by Hendrik Heerschop, 1665.
  • A medicine vendor holding up a small flask of medicine for sale. Red chalk drawing attributed to Nicolaes Walraven van Haeften.
  • Johann Caspar Lavater. Line engraving by J. H. Lips, 1780, after himself.
  • Willem Mensert. Lithograph by H. J. Backer, 1835, after L. de Koningh.
  • Johann August Unzer. Line engraving by R. Vinkeles, 1767.
  • Skulls: above, diagrams demonstrating the proportions of the human skull; below, four views of the skull. Line engraving after G. de Lairesse.
  • An ornate sepulchre bearing an inscribed epitaph to Mr. Jacob Boreel. Etching with engraving by J. Goeree, c. 1697, after S. Schynvoet.
  • A wild boar lies tied by its rear feet next to an open tavern door. Etching by Rembrandt, ca 1645.
  • Spa, Belgium: the medicinal spring and baths of Le Tonnelet. Etching by H.J. Godin after A. Le Loup.
  • Adriaan van Solingen. Lithograph by A. Lemonnier, 1827, after M. Hess.
  • The reign of Saturn. Engraving by J. Saenredam, 1596, after H. Goltzius.
  • John Locke. Line engraving by P. Tanjé, 1754, after Sir G. Kneller, 1697.
  • Jan Willem Reinier Tilanus. Lithograph by [I. V.], 1892.
  • Hendrik Welmann. Line engraving by S. à Lamsweerde, 1654, after himself.
  • Marco Aurelio Severino. Line engraving by J. Houbraken, 1724.
  • A medicine vendor holding up a small flask of medicine for sale. Red chalk drawing attributed to Nicolaes Walraven van Haeften.
  • Conrad Kerbert. Lithograph by J. P. Berghaus, 1858.
  • Saint Antony Abbot. Line engraving by Lucas van Leyden.
  • A bustling country fair full of stalls of people selling their wares. Etching by D. Deuchar, 1788, after A. Ostade.
  • The string galvanometer and the human electrocardiogram / by W. Einthoven.
  • Hermann Boerhaave. Line engraving by J. W. Kaiser, 1858, after C. Troost, 1735.
  • Jacob Kornelisz. Line engraving by J. C. Philips, 1743, after himself.
  • Solomon judges the case of the two harlots. Colour etching by C. Ploos van Amstel, 1782, after L. van Leyden.
  • Jacob Ludovic Conrad Schroeder van der Kolk. Lithograph by W. J. Paling, 1831.
  • Frederik Ruysch. Line engraving after J. Wandelaar, 1723.
  • The reign of Diana (Artemis). Engraving by J. Saenredam, 1596, after H. Goltzius.
  • A woman in a pharmacy with a urine flask and a monkey holding an empty flask at a casement. Oil painting by Willem Joseph Laquy, 1780 (?), after J. Toorenvliet, 1677.
  • Anatomy and medicine performed outside a temple of Apollo and Aesculapius, representing themes in the works of Thomas Willis. Etching attributed to R. de Hooghe, 1682.