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774 results filtered with: AIDS Serodiagnosis
  • SEX... : free leaflet / The Terrence Higgins Trust ; painting illustrations by John Lupton ; design by Richard Green and Shelley Davies.
  • Sida Info Droit 0 810 636 636 ... : Sida Info Service 0 800 840 800 / en partenaire avec Inter-LGBT, Direction Départementale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de Paris, Mairie de Paris.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 1, Prevention / Positively Women and Immunity.
  • SIDA VIH ... et lesbiennes : parlons-en! / ARIS, Accueil, Rencontres, Information, Services.
  • Et toi... tu sais? : 2-8 avril 2012 flash test ... la semaine du dépistage en Île-de-France pour les gays / artwork: Marie Planques.
  • J' [erect penis with condom graphic] à Paris / Mairie de Paris.
  • HIV? AIDS? : we're older gay men it's not our problem ... / The Positive Place, Age Concern Lewisham.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 2, Positive result? / Positively Women.
  • Après un test VIH ne laissez pas vos questions sans réponses / Sida Info Service.
  • Mieux connaître l'infection par le VIH/SIDA / ARCAT.
  • AIDS, the test : yes or no? / Health Education Authority.
  • HTLV-III testing information / Public Health Service, Alameda County Health Service Agency.
  • Your rights in the AIDS era. 3, Discrimination at work / Immunity.
  • Traitement post exposition (TPE) : 48h au maximum pour agir / Groupe SOS, ARCAT.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 2, Positive result? / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Mieux connaître l'infection par le VIH/SIDA / ARCAT.
  • AIDS, the test : yes or no? / Health Education Authority.
  • Think. Talk. Time to test? : HIV testing in and around London / CHAPS, Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy.
  • SIDA : en parler, ça aide ... / Sida Info Service.
  • AIDS, the test : yes or no? / Health Education Authority.
  • E se o teste der positivo? ; (What if I'm positive?) / text: Camden & Islington Gay Men's Team (part of Camden PCT) ; illustrations: Mark Blann ; translation: José Henrique Resinente ; Naz Project London.
  • HIV testing : free, fast & confidential : it's better to know / Positive East.
  • Get tested! : If you're a sexually active gay man you should have an HIV test at least once a year. Here's why... / NAT, GMFA, BASHH.
  • Take the test, take control ... National HIV testing day June 27 = Hasta la pruera toma control / a project of the National Association of People with AIDS.
  • AIDS and the HIV test : peace of mind / HarleyScreen Medical Centre.
  • THIVK : test, take control : what's new for gay men about HIV tests? / CHAPS, Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Certaines fois, après l'envie il y a la doute : faites un test VIH / Sida Info Service.
  • Get tested! : If you're a sexually active gay man you should have an HIV test at least once a year. Here's why... / NAT, GMFA, BASHH.
  • Think. Talk. Time to test? : HIV testing in and around London / CHAPS, Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy,  Gay Men's Project.