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106 results
  • Malus domestica 'Court Pendu Plat'
  • Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver'
  • Sanguisorba officinalis 'Tanna'
  • Chinese drugs personified: Lithograph, 1935
  • John Bigg, an eccentric hermit. Line engraving by Wilkes.
  • Inula helenium L. Asteraceae. Elecampine, Elecampane, Enulae campinae Distribution: Britain, S. Europe to the Himalayas. Used medicinally for 2,000 years. Culpeper (1650) writes ‘Elecampane, is ... wholesome for the stomach, resists poison, helps old coughs and shortness of breath, helps ruptures and provokes lust
  • Borago officinalis (Borage, Star flower)
  • Paeonia mascula ssp arietina
  • A young nun digging a grave while another nun sits nearby. Process print after J.E. Millais, 1858-1859.
  • A young nun digging a grave while another nun sits nearby. Process print after J.E. Millais, 1858-1859.
  • Paeonia officinalis 'Flore Pleno'
  • Paeonia officinalis 'Flore Pleno'
  • Paeonia officinalis 'Flore Pleno'
  • Paeonia officinalis 'Flore Pleno'
  • John Bigg, an eccentric hermit. Etching attributed to R. Livesay, 1787.
  • Men and boys working in a fork-grinding factory in Sheffield. Wood engraving by M. Jackson after J. Palmer, 1866.