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718 results
  • Clivia miniata Regel Amaryllidoideae Kaffir lily, Natal lily. Named for Lady Charlotte Clive, Duchess of Northumberland Distribution: South Africa. A toxic plant containing the cytotoxic chemical, Lycorine. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Prunus mume Siebold & Zucc. Rosaceae Chinese Plum, Japanese Apricot. Distribution: Eastern Asia. The fruit is used to flavour alcohol and used as a digestive to improve appetite. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A discourse setting forth the unhappy condition of the practice of physick in London, and offering some means to put it into a better; for the interest of patients, no less, or rather much more, then of physicians / [Jonathan Goddard].
  • Vaccinium corymbosum L. Ericaceae Bilberry. Deciduous shrub. Distribution: North America. The berries are eaten and rich in Vitamin C. Native Americans used them as a dressing on acute erysipelas (Milspaugh, 1974). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Vaccinium corymbosum L. Ericaceae Bilberry. Deciduous shrub. Distribution: North America. The berries are eaten and rich in Vitamin C. Native Americans used them as a dressing on acute erysipelas (Milspaugh, 1974). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • To physicians or surgeons : James Lane (late servant to Mr. Elliot deceased) opposite Salisbury Court in Fleet Street, London makes and sells all sorts of instruments for lame or crooked likewise steel or belt trusses for ruptures in men, women or children.
  • Lamium orvala L. Lamiaceae Balm-leaved red deadnettle. Orvala is the Latinised name for the French name, orvale, for Salvia sclarea Distribution: Southern Europe. I can find no information about it. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • The London dispensatory, containing: I, the elements of pharmacy; II, the botanical description ... and medicinal properties, of the substnaces of the materia medica; III, the pharmaceutical preparations and compositions of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of Physicians ... a practical synopsis of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics : illustrated with many useful tables and copper-plates of pharmaceutical apparatus / by Anthony Todd Thomson.
  • The London dispensatory, containing: I, the elements of pharmacy; II, the botanical description ... and medicinal properties, of the substnaces of the materia medica; III, the pharmaceutical preparations and compositions of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges of Physicians ... a practical synopsis of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics : illustrated with many useful tables and copper-plates of pharmaceutical apparatus / by Anthony Todd Thomson.
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London.
  • Acer japonicum Thunb. Sapindaceae. Japanese maple. Small tree. Distribution: Japan, North Korea. Can be tapped in early spring for its sugar-rich sap although it is not as abundant as in Acer saccharum. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Ribes odoratum H.L.Wendl Grossulariaceae Buffalo currant. Distribution: North America. Fruits edible. Presumably a source of vitamin C but no medicinal use. No reports of medicinal usage by Native Americans found. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized. Wherein all the parts of man's body with their actions and uses, are succinctly described, according to the newest doctrine of the most accurate and learned modern anatomists / By a Fellow of the College of Physicians, London [i.e. T. Gibson].
  • The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized. Wherein all the parts of man's body with their actions and uses, are succinctly described, according to the newest doctrine of the most accurate and learned modern anatomists / By a Fellow of the College of Physicians, London [i.e. T. Gibson].
  • Astrantia maxima Pall. Apiaceae. Large masterwort. The botanical name Astrantia is a corruption of the old apothecaries’ name for this plant, Magistrantia “masterwort”, implying its suitability for use only by adepts in herbalism. Probably mildly poisonous. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • Conference : recent developments in prevention and therapy through Maharishi ayur-veda towards a disease-free society : new approaches to the prevention and treatment of heart disease, chronic disorders, cancer, AIDS : Royal College of Physicians, London, Monday 17 October 1988 / World Medical Association for Perfect Health - Great Britain.
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • Lilium henryi Baker Liliaceae. Tiger Lily. Distribution: China. This commemorates Dr Augustine Henry (1857–1930) who collected plants in China and Taiwan while working for Britain’s Imperial Customs Service (Oakeley, 2012). Reported to cause renal failure in cats. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London
  • A vindication of man-midwifery, being the answer of Dr. Pocus, Dr. Maulus, and Dr. Barebones and others, their brethren, who, like legion, are many, to the Petition of the unborn babes, etc. In a letter to the President and Censors, and the elect of the College of Physicians, London