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3,433 results
  • Double rand hourglass but with one glass missing.
  • Chemistry: burning-glasses and a glass-polishing machine. Coloured engraving by J. Pass, 1799.
  • Organs of the human body. Gouache (?) on glass.
  • Two coloured glass eye baths in blue and green.
  • Two coloured glass eye baths in blue and green.
  • An advertisement for a maker of glass instruments: showing thermometers, hour-glasses, and barometers. Engraving.
  • Example of two glass eyes, white glass, with blood vessels in red, and vari-coloured lenses, from a small case. Made by W. Halford of London.
  • Glass: a glazier's workshop (above), the tools used for making and glazing windows (below). Engraving by R. Bénard after Bourgeois.
  • Glass: a wire-drawing machine for producing the lead cames used for glazing windows. Engraving by R. Bénard after Bourgeois.
  • Eye-glass case of carved wood, Italian, 17th century.
  • Optics: glass tubes (right) and Leeuwenhoek's first microscope (left) Photograph.
  • A case filled with a selection of 50 glass eye
  • Wounded patients lying on stretchers at a dressing station on board H.M.S. Erebus, Monitor, Russia. Glass negative, ca. 1919.
  • Chemistry: a tracking burning-glass and details. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • A woman smoking a pipe and holding a drinking glass. Etching.
  • MS note describing the method of use of the glass tube.
  • 2 Hourglasses, supposed to be an 18th century sermon glass
  • Mirrors: tools and equipment for silvering glass. Engraving by Benard after Bourgeois.
  • Mirrors: tools and equipment for silvering glass. Engraving by Benard after Bourgeois.
  • A drunkard with an empty glass; representing the sense of taste. Engraving, 16--.
  • Water glass : a preparation for keeping eggs fresh all the year round.
  • A pretty barmaid mixing a drink in a glass. Coloured lithograph, c. 1825.
  • A man pouring the last drop from his wine glass. Mezzotint, c. 1786.
  • A physician holds up a glass of urine in a hospital. Pen drawing.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: models of hospitals in glass display cases. Photograph, 1876.
  • Louis Vincent in drag holding a drinking glass. Process print, ca. 1905-1910.
  • Louis Vincent in drag holding a drinking glass. Process print, ca. 1905-1910.
  • For preserving eggs : silicate of soda or water glass / Peter Leech & Son.
  • Mirrors: a work table and equipment for silvering glass. Engraving by Benard after Bourgeois.
  • A large chemical laboratory filled with apparatus and types of glass vessel. Engraving, 1778.