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404 results
  • L'ankylostomose : "La grande helminthiase humaine toujours menaçante..."  / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • Migril masters migraine : to cure a headache : "set a dish or platter of tynne upon the bare head."
  • Ancilostomose : "O grande problema parasitológico humano das regiões tropicais..."  / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • L'ankylostomose : "La grande helminthiase humaine toujours menaçante..."  / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • 'Rytol'.
  • The romance of exploration and emergency first-aid from Stanley to Byrd.
  • 'Otosporin' drops.
  • 'Tabloid' Laxative Vegetable : a vegetable combination of exceptional purity, particularly valuable where aperients of inorganic origin are contra-indicated.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Wellcome' brucella milk ring test antigen.
  • When all aloud the wind doth blow... : winter and summer alike coughs, congestion and the common cold call for 'Actifed' products.
  • Zyloric prevents the formation of high uric acid levels in the body : apply a raw lean beef-steak to the gouty part ...
  • Pro-Actidil in hay fever and other allergies.
  • 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill Compound.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.
  • For bacterial infections Septrin : an advance on the antibiotics.
  • Terapêutica actual da ancilostomíase e da ascaridíase : Alcopar granulado ... / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • For alkaline medication 'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound, effervescent.
  • If anyone suffering from sore throat ties his (or her) left stocking round his throat on going to bed, he will be better in the morning. Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, E. & M. A. Radford.
  • Terapêutica actual da ancilostomíase e da ascaridíase : Alcopar granulado ... / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • Ancilostomose : "O grande problema parasitológico humano das regiões tropicais..."  / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • Beats the lot : beats the lot - kills bacteria in surface infections : 'Cortisporin'.
  • Otosporin drops : to soothe and clear the infected ear Otosporin drops.
  • Trial specimen : the Wyeth Compressed Tablets Chlorate of Potash.
  • L'ankylostomose : "La grande helminthiase humaine toujours menaçante..."  / Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • Should these clouds gather in your holiday sky, try : 'Marzine' ...
  • Migril masters migraine : to cure a headache : "set a dish or platter of tynne upon the bare head."
  • Directions for using 'Stypven' Russell Viper Venom (not for injection).
  • An effective and active iron preparation : 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill.