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1,072 results
  • A wife asking her drunkard husband to hand over a bottle of alcoholic drink. Lithograph by B. Chavannaz, ca. 1920.
  • A wife asking her drunkard husband to hand over a bottle of alcoholic drink. Lithograph by B. Chavannaz, ca. 1920.
  • A red medicine bottle in blue wrapping, attractive but unable to cure gonorrhoea. Colour lithograph after D. Fellnagel, 1943 (?).
  • An apothecary wearing a gown and skull cap, pouring fluid from a bottle. Chalk drawing by or after H. Stacy Marks.
  • A box, a bottle and a tube for ointment, pills and tablets. Pen and pencil drawing by E. Hodgkin, ca. 1969.
  • A box, a bottle and a tube for ointment, pills and tablets. Pen and pencil drawing by E. Hodgkin, ca. 1969.
  • A woman riding a horse uses a bottle of China-Rossi tonic as a whip. Colour lithograph by RB (?), 19--.
  • Above, a black Greek vase (perfume bottle?); below, vessel in the form of an animal. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • Alcoholism: the outline of a figure of a man, with a bottle covering his heart. Colour lithograph after J. Galkus, 1969.
  • Porcupinefishes: top, Plumier's diodon; centre, the mole diodon; bottom, the bottle fish. Coloured etching by J. Pass after M.E. Bloch, 1803.
  • A bottle of alcoholic drink with a red flag attached to it; advertising the danger of driving after drinking. Colour lithograph, 193-.
  • An orange tree and a bottle of orange juice, advertising concentrated orange juice as beneficial to children. Colour lithograph by Eileen Evans.
  • A clothed man and mule perform various tricks involving clothing, a hand-bell, bottle, chair and table. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A skeleton clutching a bottle labelled "Alcoholisme"; advertising an exhibition on alcohol abuse in the Hague, 1911. Lithograph, 1911, after F.M.
  • A doctor taking the pulse of a grave looking patient, his servant holds a bottle and bowl. Reproduction of a wood engraving.
  • A skeleton clutching a bottle labelled "Alcoholisme"; advertising an exhibition on alcohol abuse in the Hague, 1911. Lithograph, 1911, after F.M.
  • A woman and man sit at a table drinking as the man raises the bottle in his right hand. Lithograph, 19th century.
  • Above, Greek perfume bottle (lekythos) decorated with stylised foliage; below, black-figured naked male, holding a basket. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • European royals and martial heroes marvel at the sight of the defeated Napoleon Bonaparte standing in a glass bottle in their midst. Coloured etching.
  • Astley's pneumonic mixture for the pleuro-pneumonia or lung disease, in cattle, horses, sheep, &c. : shake the bottle / prepared only by John Astley.
  • A man leans over a seated woman who holds a glass and bottle in either hand. Mezzotint by J. Smith, 1702, after E. van Heemskerk.
  • A man leans over a seated woman who holds a glass and bottle in either hand. Mezzotint by J. Smith, 1702, after E. van Heemskerk.
  • An ill man throwing a tantrum and a hot-water bottle after hearing his rubber shares have gone down. Process print after S. Wood, 1912.
  • Major Murray, having been shot by Mr Roberts in the latter's rooms in London, retaliates by attacking Roberts with a beer bottle. Coloured lithograph, 1861.
  • A woman offers a watermelon to a sick man; he is cured and both start dancing; she holds up a medicine bottle. Coloured lithograph, 1890.
  • A man throws a bottle of  medicine out of the window and instead smokes Massary cigarettes to calm his nerves. Process print after Leonhard Fries.
  • A vodka bottle on its side driven like a sports car; representing people who drink and drive as criminals. Colour lithograph by Z. Waszewski, 1961.
  • A Zouave soldier, holding a poison bottle, is carrying on his back Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, who is looking through a telescope. Drawing, 18--.
  • A bottle of liquor pointing a finger at a devil; representing alcohol as a cause of delirium tremens. Colour lithograph after I.A. Vol'nova, 1984.
  • A bottle and a glass with drugs on a table; an advertisement for the National Aids Helpline by the Liverpool Health Promotion Unit. Colour lithograph, 1994.