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235 results filtered with: Berlin (Germany)
  • A boy wearing a shirt with lines and squares at the centre of a block of text describing how he will awaken to his homosexual desires in a few years time; a warning about the dangers of AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. in collaboration with the AIDS action group ACT UP Berlin. Lithograph by Pusch+Hüskes, 1990.
  • A man's arms hang on the bars of a prison window with the message 'Give those with AIDS a chance'; advertising the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Arhovin : ist nach den übereinstimmenden Berichten zahlreicher Autoren von Ruf das beste interne Antigonorrhoikum ...
  • Dear Friends : I am wrinting to inform you about the activities we are organizing for women as part of the IX International Conference on AIDS to be held in Berlin next June ... / Mabel Bianco, Coordinator, International AIDS Women's Caucus/IAS.
  • Two muscular men, one of them in uniform disciplining the other, representing the need for safe sex. Colour lithograph after Frost, 199-.
  • Inkektios : Kunst und alltag Leben mit AIDS : Ausstellung / Schwules Museum.
  • A muscular young man wearing black latex trousers and angel s wings, standing on a mudheap with his arm raised and his fist clenched in a combative gesture; representing gay men in the fight against AIDS. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A line-drawn male nude standing figure with one arm raised to his shoulder, the other down by his side representing an advertisement for a lecture on the possibilities and limitations of naturopathic treatment of HIV and AIDS with Dr. Misha Ruth Cohen, San Francisco, Dr. of Oriental Medicine, Quan Yin Healing Center and Dr. Juliane Sacher, Frankfurt, naturopathic physician with a focus on treating HIV and AIDS; an event organised by Kursiv, an AIDS project for Schwulenberatung on Tuesday, 4 May [1993?]. Photocopy.
  • An empty wine glass tipped over with streamers and multi-coloured confetti and packets of Hot Rubber condoms and the message 'Für die tollen tage' [[condoms] for the great day]; a warning about safe sex by the condom makers, the Hot Rubber Company Deutschland, a department of the Deutschen AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Detlev Pusch, ca. 1995.
  • Two bare-chested men wearing jeans and moustaches hold each other with the message in German: "My friend is [HIV] positive. I love him"; an advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by I. Taubhorn and W. Mudra.
  • Two men talking talking on a train platform; with the message that there is no reason to avoid sex just because of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and osthafen-Design for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe.
  • Hochschule und praxis... : geben dem Arzt die Gründlage für die kritische Prüfüng von Heilmitteln.
  • The river Rhine running through the centre of Bonn with an arrow pointing to the 'Venusberg' area of the city and the words 'Positive Rhine'; an advertisement for details of a Federal Assembly event in Bonn between 19 and 22 December 1991 concerning people with HIV and AIDS; organised by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Wolfgang Mudra.
  • A transvestite nurse attending a man yelling with pain on a hospital bed; advertising fair rates of medical insurance for people who are sick or dying of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Wolfgang Mudra and Jürgen Rocholl for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 1992.
  • A man approaching a woman in the street, with a warning against the danger of sexually transmitted disease due to sex with unfamiliar partners. Colour lithograph attributed to G.C. Schulz, ca. 1947.
  • A red rose with an open mouth baring fangs at the centre, surrounded by blackened thorny rose leaves, representing a response to insults directed at homosexuals; an advertisement for a 'Queer-Party' on 31 December 1994 at S036 in Berlin. Colour lithograph.
  • A rentboy at a railway station with a message emphasizing his right to safe sex. Colour lithograph by Alan Warren for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • The head of a man against a backdrop of doodles; representing safe sex as not transmitting the cause of AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and use of drugs by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Peder Iblher.
  • A bare-chested man pulling his jeans open to reveal his groin area with a selection of condoms and lubricant produced by The Hot Rubber Company; includes a torn extract highlighting the word 'hot'. Colour lithograph after Norbert Heuler.
  • A young lesbian woman who is HIV-positive comments on the sexual needs of those living with the condition. Colour lithograph after R. Westerwelle, 1994.
  • A man wearing a check sleeveless shirt open at the chest with his hands in his pockets representing an advertisement for a selection of documentary films about HIV and AIDS including a film entitled 'Voices from the Front" by the German actor/film producer and gay activist, Manfred Salzgeber; an event organised by Kursiv, Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men in Berlin. Photocopy, 1995.
  • Two gay men in bed, one of them disturbing the other who is reading a newspaper by trying to peep into his underpants; advertising Thursday gay breakfasts at the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • An ink fountain pen next to an unfolded piece of writing paper bearing the German words "I/you/he/they ... can't get AIDS from kissing" with the words "AIDS affects us all" circled in the middle; an advertisement for condoms as a protection against AIDS by the German Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph by Marat.
  • Arhovin : ist nach den übereinstimmenden Berichten zahlreicher Autoren von Ruf das beste interne Antigonorrhoikum ...
  • A naked man resting his arm on a frame of broken window; representing unsafe sex in AIDS transmission. Colour lithograph after H.G. Kegel and S. Schmidt, 199-.
  • A blackboard bearing the words in German: "I have AIDS, you have AIDS, he has AIDS ..." written in white chalk and "AIDS affects us all" in yellow chalk underlined in red; an advertisement for condoms as a protection against AIDS by the Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph by Marat.
  • Four gay men embracing; representing solidarity with the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Michael Taubenheim and Jason R. Engelbart for the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Two men and two women using unsafe methods of drug injection and sexual contact, as an advertisement for safe sex as a protection from AIDS. Colour lithograph by Peter Knoch for Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe.
  • Präparat zusammensetzung preise.
  • The word "AIDS"; advertising a symposium on AIDS in Berlin. Colour lithograph by Lemon, 1991.