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969 results filtered with: Book
  • Illustration of ginseng from Bigelow "American Botany"
  • Shows termination of nerve in muscle.
  • Myotomia reformata, by William Cowper.
  • J.N. Lieberkuhn, Dissertatio anatomico...1745
  • Muscles.
  • Ecclesiastical divisions, France 1905.
  • Cartoon "Civil Service Stores" from Punch 11 March 1876
  • Engraving of walking-stool,18thC
  • Fracture de la machoire des Z. Cotez, from Le Clerc, L'appareil commode en faveur des jeunes chirurgiens, 1700
  • Sketches of hydrostatics after L. da Vinci
  • Portrait of Jacques Daviel
  • King's evil; Edward the confessor touching for the evil. from Cambridge University Library
  • Remmelin "Survey of the microcosme": anatomical figures
  • C. Stromayr: Surgeon, assistants and patient praying
  • Delore's method of mechanical traction with pullies and cords
  • Surgical splints, 18th century.
  • De vocis auditusque organis. titlepage.
  • View of the Grimsel Hospice, engraving.
  • Lavater, Explanatory chart - for measuring the intelligence of man.
  • Portrait of Sir William Cecil, first Lord of Burghley (1520-98); from the picture in the Bodleian, artist unknown.
  • Journal of Researches . . Natural History, Darwin
  • Harrow alley, Houndsditch
  • Skeleton of a horse, 1618
  • Birth of the Virgin by Wierx, showing child in cradle.
  • Title page, Dionis "Tratto delle operatio ne chiurgiche"
  • Les Delices de Leide, 1712
  • Children in a cotton factory 'picking cotton', 1844
  • Traite de l'operation de la taille, by Francois Colot
  • Signor Saltarino.
  • Child welfare: Operation for hare lip & cleft palate