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1,552 results
  • Psychopathia sexualis : with especial reference to antipathic sexual instinct a medico-forensic study / by R. v. Krafft-Ebing ... The only authorised English translation of the tenth German edition.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Malarial fever : its cause, prevention and treatment containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and residents in malarious places / by Ronald Ross.
  • Lachish : (Tell ed Duweir).
  • Lachish : (Tell ed Duweir).
  • Lachish : (Tell ed Duweir).
  • Stop censorship of safer sex / NUS National Union of Students, Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Campaign, Outrage!.
  • University College, London: the main building. Coloured engraving.
  • John Conolly. Lithograph by T. M. Bayes after T. Kirkby.
  • The Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London: the interior of the museum. Wood engraving after T. R. MacQuoid, 1854.
  • University College London: the main buildings seen from Gower Street. Engraving.
  • Edmund Watson (1696-1774), physician at Stockport. Oil painting attributed to Hamlet Winstanley.
  • Edmund Watson (1696-1774), physician at Stockport. Oil painting attributed to Hamlet Winstanley.
  • Edmund Watson (1696-1774), physician at Stockport. Oil painting attributed to Hamlet Winstanley.
  • University College, London: the main building in Gower Street. Engraving by T. Higham after W. Wilkins.
  • Samuel Cooper. Mezzotint by H. Cousins, 1840, after A. Morton, 1838.
  • Samuel Cooper. Mezzotint by H. Cousins, 1840, after A. Morton, 1838.
  • Portrait of William Sharpey.
  • Bust of William Sharpey.
  • Ernst Henry Starlin
  • William Benjamin Carpenter. Photograph by Maull & Polyblank.
  • Karl Pearson, Biometrician, at his desk, 1910
  • John Storrar. Photograph by G.R. Fitt, the Album Portrait Co.
  • John Storrar. Photograph by G.R. Fitt, the Album Portrait Co.