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161 results
  • An industrial lathe for cutting screw threads: from the side (upper figure) and from above (lower figure). Lithograph by Mackay & Kirkwood, 1860.
  • Threaded needle, SEM
  • Bootlace threaded with corks, used to drain milk
  • Bootlace threaded with corks, placed around the necks-
  • Bootlace threaded with corks, used to drain milk
  • Bootlace threaded with corks, used to drain milk
  • Doll, spirit figure, in Ivory, Eskimo. Finely carved facial features. Head perforated through ears, and cotton threaded to represent hair.
  • An Irish bachelor sits threading a needle to mend his ragged clothes. Lithograph by T. Maguire, 1855, after E. Nicol.
  • Cotton fibres
  • Black bread mould (Rhizopus stolonifer)
  • Fungal spores on the surface of a fig, SEM
  • Wool fibres
  • Fungal spores on the surface of a fig, SEM
  • Nylon fibres
  • Mould on food
  • Cells infected with candida yeast, LM
  • Silk fibres
  • Lens tissue, LM
  • Indian tailor and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Nervous system in a fruit fly larva, serial section TEM
  • Early C20 Chinese Lithograph: 'Fan' diseases
  • Moorish tailor and wife offering him betel leaves. Gouache drawing.
  • Cotton
  • Hercules and Omphale. Engraving by B.W. Dolendo after B. Spranger.
  • Leptothrix bacteria
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Collotype (?), 18--.
  • Dog castration, suturing
  • Tibetan guide to fortune telling cards. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Four boys and an old man working on the loom. Coloured stipple engraving by P.W. Tomkins after A.W. Devis.
  • Genticin gentamicin sulphate.