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173 results
  • Villus from the human duodenum
  • Inner surface of ileum
  • TEM of smooth muscle
  • Mesentery: Four figures of the lacteals, the aorta & mesenterica inferior, the urinary bladder and a demonstration of vision. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • SEM of Giardia
  • SEM of Giardia
  • SEM of Giardia, ventral view
  • Anatomical drawing: lanmen (ileocoecal conjunction), Chinese
  • Internal visualisation chart: Various organs, front view
  • Anatomy of the large intestine in ancient Chinese medicine
  • Anatomy of the large intestine in ancient Chinese medicine
  • Internal visualisation chart: Intestinal system
  • Distribution of internal organs, back view, Chinese woodcut
  • Chinese woodcut: Form and position of the liver
  • Wrist pulse diagnosis table for zang and fu viscera, Chinese
  • Three hand yang channels and their acupoints, general chart
  • Pulse diagnosis: Conditions associated with left wrist pulses
  • Paediatric palm massage (tuina) chart, Chinese woodcut
  • Internal visualisation chart: Various organs, back view
  • Internal organs, from the Daoist Canon, 15th century Chinese
  • Anatomical drawing: mingmen (r. kidney as 'Portal of Life')
  • Distribution of internal organs, front view, Chinese woodcut
  • Internal visualisation chart: Location of mingmen
  • Position of 'Portal of Life' (right kidney), Chinese woodcut
  • The liver, Chinese woodcut, Ming period
  • Anatomy of the bladder in ancient Chinese medicine, woodcut
  • Anatomy of the stomach in ancient Chinese medicine, woodcut
  • Anatomy of the stomach in ancient Chinese medicine, woodcut
  • Anatomical drawing: the five viscera, front and back, Chinese
  • Chinese woodcut: Eye diagnosis -- the Eight Regions (ba kuo)