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229 results
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni.
  • The British Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith, London. Photogravure.
  • The London Workhouse: the street and courtyard facades with a pair of medallions. Engraving by T. Dale after R. Schnebbelie, 1819.
  • There is a young colossus to be seen at the sign of the French Horn and Mansion House, opposite the Mansion House : being a boy fifteen years of age, seven feet high, and every way proportioned ...
  • The London Workhouse: the street and courtyard facades with a pair of medallions. Engraving by T. Dale after R. Schnebbelie, 1819.
  • There is a young colossus to be seen at the sign of the French Horn and Mansion House, opposite the Mansion House : being a boy fifteen years of age, seven feet high, and every way proportioned ...
  • Major Murray, having been shot by Mr Roberts in the latter's rooms in London, retaliates by attacking Roberts with a beer bottle. Coloured lithograph, 1861.
  • Mr. Nicholson's thousand guinea fete : Cremorne House, King's Road, Chelsea : first day - Monday, July 31st ...
  • The pest house and plague pit, Moorfields, London. Wood engraving.
  • Middlesex House of Correction: a man is holding a birch in his hand as he stands over a shaped wooden plank set near a window for flogging boys; a man and a woman look on. Wood engraving after M. Fitzgerald, 1874..
  • A crowd has gathered outside Carlton House in London, as the carriage of Frederick Duke of York passes on its way to the palace; a pickpocket works the crowd. Coloured aquatint.
  • Crimean War, England: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert inspecting the wounded Grenadier Guards in Buckingham Palace. Coloured lithograph by G. Thomas after himself, 1855.
  • University College Hospital: a sitting room, probably for staff. Photograph.
  • Superintendent Durkin and Inspector Mackenzie enter the rooms of Mr Roberts in London and find him severely wounded after an encounter with Major Murray. Coloured lithograph, 1861.
  • Drury Lane Theatre, London: royal visitors looking at animals in enclosures. Lithograph by W. Taylor.
  • Gen. Tom Thumb : three levees daily at the Regent Gallery, 69 and 71, Quadrant, Regent Street, near Air Street ... / Regent Gallery ; printed by T. Brettell, Rupert Street, Haymarket, Westminster.
  • A crowd gathered in Exeter Hall, London, to hear speakers on the abolition of the slave trade. Coloured engraving by J. Harris, 1840, after S. Blunt.
  • Sir John Soane's House and Museum: the hallway and stairs at ground floor level, showing the vestibule and chairs. Lithograph by C. Hullmandel [1835] after C. J. Richardson.
  • A woman in fine clothes and a large bonnet is invited by a young man to go on a river trip to Richmond-on-Thames. Coloured etching.
  • The boy St Giles, arrested for stealing a hat belonging to the boy St James, is arraigned before the night-constable at Covent Garden watch-house. Etching after John Leech, 1845.
  • St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London: the Prince Consort laying the foundation stone. Wood engraving, 1845.
  • Queen Adelaide's Dispensary, Bethnal Green. Wood engraving by O. Jewitt after himself [1865].
  • Opening of Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, London. Wood engraving, 1886.
  • Under the patronage of Her Majesty and the royal family : Gen. Tom Thumb : three levees daily at the Prince of Wales Bazaar, 209 Regent Street, near Conduit Street ... / Prince of Wales Bazaar.
  • Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, London: Queen Mary visiting a children's ward. Photograph, 192-.
  • Sir John Soane's House and Museum: the picture gallery at ground floor level, showing the folding screens. Lithograph, 1830.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.