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153 results
  • The rear jeans pocket of a man with a packet labelled "The hot rubber" and a toothbrush with the message 'who stays overnight ...' in German; advertisement for Hot Rubber condoms for gay men. Colour lithograph.
  • A naked man lies beside a naked woman with a sheet wrapped around her; he holds her hand in which she holds a condom packet; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • Condoman, a cartoon figure, holds a packet of condoms on a beach; advertising safe sex among indigenous Australians. Colour lithograph by the Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Australia, and the Aboriginal Health Workers of Australia (Queensland).
  • A cap in which is slotted a condom packet bearing the logo 'The Hot Rubber Black' with the words in German: 'bizarre, erotic: the new black'; a safe sex advertisement for condoms produced by The Hot Rubber Company (Zürich). Colour lithograph.
  • The faces of a mother and her baby with a hand holding a yellow condom packet and the message 'The fight against AIDS', 'protect your future' in French by CRAM, La Caisse Régionale d'assurance Maladie de Bourgogne franche-comté. Colour lithograph.
  • A style-conscious black man holds up a packet of condoms, with symbols (man and woman, condom, British standard kitemark, telephone handset) representing "smart" ways to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Photo Co-op, Glover/Hughes and Big-Active Ltd. for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • The word 'AIDS' in Hindi across the heads of 2 black silhouettes of a man and woman with a smaller image of a condom being removed from its packet; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement in Marathi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An open condom packet with a couple dancing and the message: "be as you want with a condom ... the best protection against HIV and STD's"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Comité Français d'Education pour la Santé (CFES). Colour lithograph.
  • A man sits back wearing an open dressing gown and white shorts with a woman behind; he holds a packet of condoms bearing the lettering: 'Birds'n bees ...'; an advertisement for an exhibition of AIDS posters. Colour silk screen print after R. Scholte, 1993.
  • The rear jeans pocket of a man with a packet labelled "The hot rubber" and a toothbrush with the message 'who stays overnight ...' in German; an advertisement for AIDS counselling services available in Leipzig and Hot Rubber condoms for gay men. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman holds a condom as a man holds her with a packet of latex condoms and a warning to always use one to prevent the spread of AIDS; part of the Think Twice advertisement poster campaign by Channing L. Bete Co. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • A condom with an open packet and the message in French: "Those who believe there is a vaccine against AIDS - this is what it looks like"; advertisement by Ministére des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la Ville. Colour lithograph by M. Descottes, 1995 (?).
  • The word 'AIDS' in Marathi across the heads of 2 black silhouettes of a man and woman against a green background with a smaller image of a condom being removed from its packet below; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement in Hindi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A naked woman and a suited man reach towards a condom packet as a man dressed in a long black cloak and hat holding a cat looms up behind with the moon beyond; a safe sex and anti-AIDS advertisement by Infoshare International. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • The side profile of a man wearing white Calvin Klein briefs with an 'Easy' condom packet tucked inside the top edge, the words 'boys wear' and a pink condom; ; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Lydia van Marissing and Kees Ruyter, 1994 for the SAD Schorerstichting.
  • Two men with their heads together against a yellow background, one man holds a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; German version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz. Colour lithograph.
  • A man with a tattoo puts his arms around a woman while holding a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; German version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz. Colour lithograph.
  • The body of a naked man covered in a transparent veil holding a condom packet bearing the logo of The Hot Rubber Company near his genitals; a safe sex advertisement by the Hot Rubber Company Deutschland, [a department of the Deutschen AIDS-Hilfe e.V]. Lithograph by Vincent von Ballmoos.
  • A man with a tattoo puts his arms around a woman while holding a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A faithful couple, opening a condom packet, a woman receiving a blood transfusion that has been screened for HIV, sterilised skin piercing instruments and an HIV positive woman seeking health advice before planning a baby; advice by the World Health Organization about the way AIDS can be prevented. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Two men with their heads together against a yellow background, one man holds a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A open condom packet with a gay couple embracing and the message: "be as you want with a condom ... the best protection against HIV and STD's"; advertisement for the Ecoute Gaie and SIDA Info Service by the Comité Français d'Education pour la Santé (CFES) and l'Assurance Maladie sécurit sociale. Colour lithograph.
  • How you prevent HIV/AIDS showing hands opening a condom packet, donated blood tested for HIV, a sterilized syringe and razor, and someone pulling on a sterile surgical glove; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the CII, the Confederation of Indian Industry programme on HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Colour lithograph by Amita P. Gupta, ca. 1997.
  • A condom packet next to a pair of sun glasses and a book on a towel with a message about the importance of taking maximum [sexual] protection to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS; advertisment for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A blond woman kisses the side of the face of a man she wraps her arms around while holding a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; German version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz. Colour lithograph.
  • FREE! : Every time you purchase a 1/2 bottle of Farrow's British made tomato ketchup from May 1st.. to May 31st., 1930, (both dates inclusive) your grocer ... has the manufacturers' authority to give you a large (7 1/2d.) packet of Farrow's garden pea pod peas free / Joseph Farrow & Co. Ltd.
  • A blond woman kisses the side of the face of a man she wraps her arms around while holding a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; German version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz. Colour lithograph.
  • A silver condom packet emerging out of a small white bag attached to a key ring with the comment that your condom is safe with your keys; the bag bears an illustration of a running condom holding an umbrella; an advertisement for safe sex by the Ministère de la Santé in association with World AIDS Day 1996. Colour lithograph.
  • A partly blurred image of a woman sitting at a table in a bar with a glass of wine as a man puts his arm around while holding up a condom packet to their companions; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • The word 'AIDS' in Marathi across the heads of 2 black silhouettes of a man and woman against a blue background with a smaller image of a condom being removed from its packet below and further illustrations showing how the disease is transmitted; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement in Marathi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.