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122 results
  • A head marked with images representing the phrenological faculties, with a key below. Coloured wood engraving, ca. 1845, after H. Bushea and O.S. Fowler (?).
  • A head marked with images representing the phrenological faculties, with a key below. Coloured wood engraving, ca. 1845, after H. Bushea and O.S. Fowler (?).
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'
  • An ankylosis of the bones of the fractured right femur (thigh-bone) and tibia (lower leg bone) (figs 1-2) and the radius and ulna (bones of the forearm) joined by a flexible callus (figs 3-4) Engraving, 1749.
  • Pensioners of the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, celebrating the anniversary of Nelson's victory at Trafalgar. Engraving by J. Burnet, 1836.
  • Wybrant Lolkes, a dwarf with his wife. Etching by P. Mequignon, 1790.
  • Two Japanese barbers: shaving (left), and hairdressing (right). Coloured photograph.
  • Two Japanese barbers: shaving (left), and hairdressing (right). Coloured photograph.
  • A sailor setting the broken leg of another sailor after an accident on deck. Halftone after F. Brangwyn, 1895.
  • Hong Kong: a Chinese portrait artist. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Hong Kong: a Chinese portrait artist. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • The face of a youth advertising STOP AIDS evenings for young gay and bisexual men. Colour lithograph.
  • A carbuncled woman retiring to bed; creating a satirical figure of female vanity. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Brazil: a member of the Von Wied expedition is digging into a turtle's nest to get at the eggs, another man wearing a long cape and a hat (Maximilian Prinz von Wied?) stands nearby, watching. Etching by W. Read.
  • William Harvey demonstrating the palpitations of the foetal heart of a deer to Charles I. Engraving by H. Lemon, 1851, after an oil painting by R. Hannah, 1848.
  • William Harvey demonstrating the palpitations of the foetal heart of a deer to Charles I. Engraving by H. Lemon, 1851, after an oil painting by R. Hannah, 1848.
  • A modern school contrasted with an old school. Colour lithograph after A. Games, 1942.
  • A Chinese apothecary carrying medicines in a basket. Coloured stipple print by J. Dadley after Pu-Quà, 1799.
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • A modern block of flats contrasted with a row of unhealthy terrace houses. Colour lithograph after A. Games, 1942.
  • Two diagrams of legs in splints, illustrating how to set a fractured limb. Stipple engraving by D. Lizars after J. Bell.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth after himself, 1735.
  • Queen Alexandra's Hospital for Children with Hip Disease, Queen Square, Holborn: the interior of a ward, with a teacher giving a gymnastics lesson. Photogravure after A. Forestier, 1908.
  • Rita Levi-Montalcini.