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  • Main courtyard of the monastery of St. Catherine, with monks conversing, Mount Sinai. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.
  • Two men in rural attire, seated, in conversation; one holds a tankard, both are smoking pipes. Ink drawing by S. Jenner, ca. 1850.
  • An old man and an old woman conversing while holding on to their walking sticks. Etching in the style of Rembrandt, ca. 1630.
  • The countess's levee: a barber dresses her hair while she converses with Silvertongue, her lawyer. Engraving by Simon François Ravenet after W. Hogarth, 1745.
  • The Viceroy of Egypt in conversation with British officials, with attendants looking on, Alexandria, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.
  • Rev. Pat Robertson converses with Vice-President Dan Quayle with numerous speech bubbles; a protest against their policies including those relating to AIDS. Lithograph.
  • A nobleman lying ill in a four poster bed converses with another man as a maid pours him a drink. Aquatint after H. Dawe, 184-.
  • A woman riding side-saddle on a mule converses with a woman encountered among flocks grazing on a mountain pass. Aquatint and etching after N. Berchem.
  • Boer War: the ward of a hospital ship in which a nurse converses with an anxious lady and her daughter. Gouache painting by F. Dickinson, 1899.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • A spanner and an adjustable spanner, as if in conversation, standing against a brick wall covered with a spider's web. Colour lithograph after G.R. Morris, 1945.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • A governess concealed in a niche in order to eavesdrop a conversation is discovered when she causes a coat of armour to fall loudly to the floor. Engraving, 1821.
  • A woman trader at the Halles market in Paris defends her conduct in conversation with an official as another woman looks on in amusement. Lithograph by N. Charlet, 1825.
  • A railway employee (?) wheels away the dismembered body of a man killed in a railway accident; he converses with a physician. Process print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • Above, red-figured Greek storage jar (pelike?); below, detail of the decoration showing a woman conversing with a young man wearing a hat. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • Men sitting at a table in a garden outside a tavern, smoking and drinking as a young woman joins in the conversation. Mezzotint by William Ward, 1802, after George Morland.
  • Two men wearing turbans standing in a harbour converse with a sailor while sailors and captives are seated on the ground. Etching by M. Schaep, 1649, after C. de Wael.
  • Two old men in conversation: the man on the left holding a basket has a wooden leg, the other one leans with both hands on a stick. Watercolour by S.G. (?).
  • Figures from Formosa wearing traditional rural attire have a conversation in front of a thatched bamboo cottage on stilts; one woman works a silk loom. Painting by a Taiwanese artist, ca. 1850.
  • Lord Rosebery as a racehorse-owner conversing with his trainer (William Patrick Adam) about the prospects of a horse ridden by Gladstone, dressed as a jockey. Engraving after L. Sambourne, ca. 1880.
  • Three English conversations about tourist destinations: Paris is praised as a centre of fashion, Margate is deprecated as being a place for the English working classes. Coloured etching by J. Phillips, 1835.
  • Histoire prodigieuse, d'un gentil-homme auquel le diable s'est apparu, et avec lequel il a conversé, soubs le corps d'une femme morte. Advenuë à Paris le quinziesme de janvier 1613.
  • A tea plantation in China: tea is shown being weighed, while workers tread down congou tea into chests and a man in Western dress converses with a senior plantation worker. Gouache, China, 1800/1850.
  • Two penguins converse about AIDS representing an advertisement for AIDS and HIV-related events between 28th and 30th November and 1st and 3rd December (1998?) in Japan. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • Johan van Beverwijk: he converses with Apollo about medicinal plants, while surrounded by attributes of botany, anatomy and surgery. Line engraving by C. van Dalen the younger (?) after C. de Passe the younger (?), 1656.
  • Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as related by herself in conversations with her physician [C.L. Meryon]; comprising her opinions and anecdotes of some of the most remarkable persons of her time / [Hester Lucy Stanhope].
  • Two dogs (a King Charles spaniel (?) and a pug dog) in a park; in the background two fashionably dressed women with parasols are in conversation; trees and deer are visible in the distance. Etching after E.H. Landseer, 1823.
  • A soldier, leaning against the window ledge of a prison window with a large empty flask on the ground, is conversing with a prisoner who is looking through the bars while holding a tankard in his hand. Lithograph after R. Seymour.
  • Three women and five men gathered in a room which opens up to classical architecture, the group on the left is making music while the others are engaged in conversation; representing the continent of Europe. Stipple engraving by Nargeot after C.A. Chasselat.