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260 results
  • Egypt (?): a military desert camp with tents, a horseman with a device for sweeping the camp attached to the horse, and a colonial soldier. Photograph by J. D. Graham, 1914/1918 (?).
  • African (?) workers filling in a narrow ditch running through a field with palm trees and a colonial-style wooden house in the background, Africa (?). Photograph by (Edward Pigott ?) Minett, 1910/1920 (?).
  • The German flag is being pulled by the Allies from under a dachshund representing Germany; representig the seizure of German colonies by the Allies in the First World War. Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
  • H.H. Asquith (right) asks Arthur Balfour (centre) whether he has sent out invitations to colonial leaders; Balfour replies that he has not, but Richard Seddon, Prime Minister of New Zealand, enters from the left to claim his invitation. Drawing by David Wilson, 1905.
  • The feminin' monarchi', or the histori' of bee's. Shewing their admirable natur', and propertis; their generation and colonis; their government, loyalti, art, industri; enimi's, wars, magnanimiti, etc. Together with the right ordering of them from tim' to tim': and the sweet' profit arising ther'of / Written out of Experienc( by Charles Butler.
  • The feminin' monarchi', or the histori' of bee's. Shewing their admirable natur', and propertis; their generation and colonis; their government, loyalti, art, industri; enimi's, wars, magnanimiti, etc. Together with the right ordering of them from tim' to tim': and the sweet' profit arising ther'of / Written out of Experienc( by Charles Butler.
  • A view from the universe : St. Peter's at Rome : in which the various empires, kingdoms, republics, states, principal islands, colonies, and discoveries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, alphabetically arranged, are shown at one glance, and included in a single line, with the situation, extent, chief cities, their population, distances in British miles from London ...
  • A view from the universe : St. Peter's at Rome : in which the various empires, kingdoms, republics, states, principal islands, colonies, and discoveries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, alphabetically arranged, are shown at one glance, and included in a single line, with the situation, extent, chief cities, their population, distances in British miles from London ...
  • Top left, gamebirds watching in safety while hunters and poachers shoot each other; top right, a graveyard for colonial institutions in Africa; bottom left, spoonbills (birds) made of teapots and spoons; bottom centre, two men talking about a hen and some ducklings; bottom right, a weather vane in the form of a man holding a gun. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1831.
  • Traité de la culture du nopal : et de l'éducation de la cochenille dans les colonies françaises de l'Amérique. Précédé d'un voyage a Guaxaca ... Auquel on a ajouté une préface, des notes & des observations relatives à la culture de la cochenille ... / Le tout recueilli & publié par le Cercle des Philadelphes établi au Cap-Français.
  • Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East Indies and other distant countries, in a state of vegetation: together with a catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being encouraged in our American colonies, for the purposes of medicine, agriculture, and commerce. To which is added, the figure and botanical description of a new sensitive plant, called Dionoea muscipula: or, Venus's fly-trap / By John Ellis, F.R.S.
  • A further discovery of bees. Treating of the nature, government, generation and preservation of the bee. With the experiments and improvements arising from the keeping them in transparent boxes, instead of straw-hives. Also proper directions (to all such as keep bees) as well to prevent their robbing in straw-hives, as their killing in the colonies / By Moses Rusden. Pub. by His Majesties especial command, and approved by the Royal Society at Gresham Coll.
  • Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East Indies and other distant countries, in a state of vegetation: together with a catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being encouraged in our American colonies, for the purposes of medicine, agriculture, and commerce. To which is added, the figure and botanical description of a new sensitive plant, called Dionoea muscipula: or, Venus's fly-trap / By John Ellis, F.R.S.
  • A further discovery of bees. Treating of the nature, government, generation and preservation of the bee. With the experiments and improvements arising from the keeping them in transparent boxes, instead of straw-hives. Also proper directions (to all such as keep bees) as well to prevent their robbing in straw-hives, as their killing in the colonies / By Moses Rusden. Pub. by His Majesties especial command, and approved by the Royal Society at Gresham Coll.
  • A further discovery of bees. Treating of the nature, government, generation and preservation of the bee. With the experiments and improvements arising from the keeping them in transparent boxes, instead of straw-hives. Also proper directions (to all such as keep bees) as well to prevent their robbing in straw-hives, as their killing in the colonies / By Moses Rusden. Pub. by His Majesties especial command, and approved by the Royal Society at Gresham Coll.
  • A cross incorporating a montage of pink heart muscles, pink triangles, crossed red and green squares, the AIDS red ribbon on a stamp, flowers, a hand and a version of the American flag; on a background coloured in green crayon incorporating a montage of photographs including Christ's head of thorns and a hand injecting a syringe into an arm; on a further black background bearing the brown lettering: 'el colonialismo' [colonialism]; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Juan Sánchez, ca. 1995.
  • Chemists' Exhibition march : specially composed for the annual chemists' exhibition / by Ph. R. Meny.
  • Island of Deshima, Dutch East India Company
  • Hand-drawn map showing settlements in Belgian Congo
  • A family sitting round the dinner table, the mother serving food, the father making an authoritative gesture towards his praying son, the two daughters sit next to the mother while the youngest child is fed next to the fire place; representing Concord. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos.
  • Mouse embryonic stem cells
  • Mouse embryonic stem cells
  • Cover: Seamen's Hospital booklet
  • Colón, Panama: tarmacadamed street with storm sewer; residents shown in houses and on the street, with horse and cart in the foreground. Photograph, 1911.
  • Colón, Panama: Bolivar Street newly paved. Photograph, ca. 1908.
  • North Avenue, Panama: newly paved busy street with carriages, residents and workers; lined with large buildings with balconies. Photograph, 1907.
  • Mouse embryonic stem cells
  • Leprosy in India : report of the Leprosy Commission in India, 1890-91.
  • Leprosy in India : report of the Leprosy Commission in India, 1890-91.
  • Leprosy in India : report of the Leprosy Commission in India, 1890-91.