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214 results
  • Benjamin Disraeli, wearing a crown and a barrel on his head, is delivering a speech. Engraving by W. Dewane, March 1880.
  • A woman playing the barrel-organ; representing the sense of hearing. Mezzotint by A.H.J. Degmair after P.A. Wille.
  • A black man (Native American?) leans on a barrel while holding a pipe and tobacco leaves. Wood-engraving, mid-19th century.
  • A horse rocks to and fro on a curved platform, another rolls a barrel with its hooves. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A drunkard sits on a barrel spilling drink from a jug and glass. Etching by R. Blyth after P. J. de Loutherbourg.
  • A bear overturns a barrel and is stung by bees; representing Aesop's fable. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Four boors round a barrel table smoking and drinking. Engraving by J. Michel, c. 1779, after G. Farrington after A. van Ostade.
  • Malaria control equipment, Italy: a large metal barrel in a cart and men on the pavement with more equipment. Photograph, 1940/1950 (?).
  • A young man is carrying water in a large barrel on his back and a smaller bucket in his hand. Lithograph (?).
  • A drunkard sits on a barrel spilling drink from a jug and glass. Etching by R. Blyth after P. J. de Loutherbourg.
  • A dyer of cloth is dipping fabric into a large barrel as other sheets are hung up to dry. Woodcut by J. Amman..
  • Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich Arsenal, London: workers in the factory lifting a metal gun barrel with a crane. Lithograph by G. Clausen, 1917.
  • The evolution of a barrel and goose into a donkey into a man wearing tails; representing Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
  • A large man carrying a tankard and a wooden half-barrel is singing, representing Jean Ramponneau and his drinking establishment in Paris, Engraving, 1760.
  • A lecherous drinker sits with a girl at a barrel table in a dingy tavern. Engraving by P. Canot, c. 1756, after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A man sits at a barrel-table to light his pipe, others in the room smoke and drink. Engraving by T. Major, 1746, after D. Teniers.
  • A young man stands on a barrel to reach the girl at the window and to hand her flowers and serenade her with his guitar. Etching.
  • A draught-horse is pulling a barrel in a court yard of a public house, while another horse is fed at the trough. Lithograph by G. Alken.
  • A man sits by a barrel-table smoking his pipe, behind others play cards and a woman enters the room. Engraving by P. Chenu after D. Teniers.
  • Men and women in a dingy tavern smoking and drinking round a large barrel table. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after G. van Herp (?).
  • Two Irishmen in Brighton open a smuggled barrel of what they think is whiskey with a red-hot poker, but it contains gunpowder and explodes. Etching after Cruikshank.
  • A preacher standing inside a barrel and preaching repentance arouses guilt, alarm and confusion in the minds of his audience. Engraving by T. Sanders after Tim Bobbin (John Collier).
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a large hut with a straw roof has a chair outside and a table with a water barrel on it. Lithograph.
  • A man collecting human faeces to be used as manure: with a wooden barrel on his back, carrying a scoop and a lantern. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • A man collecting human faeces to be used as manure: with a wooden barrel on his back, carrying a scoop and a lantern. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • A mentally ill patient in a strait-jacket attached to the wall and a strange barrel shaped contraption around his legs. Photograph after a wood engraving by E. Tritschler, 1908.
  • A mentally ill patient in a strait-jacket attached to the wall and a strange barrel shaped contraption around his legs. Photograph after a wood engraving by E. Tritschler, 1908.
  • A boy grinds a barrel organ as two small girls dance to amuse another child who is leaning against pillows in a chair. Engraving by W. Finden after T. Webster.
  • The interior of a tavern with men smoking and drinking by a barrel table and playing cards by the fire. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after D. Teniers.
  • Three Dutch men drink and smoke round a barrel-table, behind man exits the room. Engraving by P. C. Canot, 18th century, after a painting by D. Teniers, the younger.