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173 results filtered with: Witchcraft
  • The Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III) accusing Jane (Elizabeth) Shore of witchcraft. Engraving.
  • A magician stands in the middle of a circle holding a stick in one hand and a book in the other as he is watched by the devil in the form of a dragon. Woodcut, ca. 1700-1720.
  • A circle of witches dance around a central figure. Woodcut, ca. 1700-1720.
  • A skeletal figure surveying three doctors around a cauldron, a parody of Macbeth and the three witches; promoting James Morison's alternative medicines. Lithograph.
  • Witchcraft and magic: a man conducting magic rites, devils and a ghost appearing, and a hunter cowering in terror. Coloured etching.
  • A witches' sabbath. Line engraving, 17--.
  • A wizard conjuring a man from his grave. Etching.
  • A witch at her cauldron surrounded by monsters. Etching by Jan van de Velde II, 1626.
  • A skeletal figure surveying three doctors around a cauldron, a parody of Macbeth and the three witches; promoting James Morison's alternative medicines. Lithograph.
  • Double picture: a person hanging from the gallows; a witch burning a sleeping couple while a demon figure carries off a child. Woodcut, 1790.
  • Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations proving evidently, against the atheists of this present age, that there are devils. Spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentic records, and attestations of witnesses of undoubted veracity : To which is added, the marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, the witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem, Calder, &c / By Mr. George Sinclair.
  • A room with hallucinatory beings and weird furnishings. Watercolour by Auguste Laurent, 1844.
  • A winged devil figure riding on a cat awakening some monks by blowing on them. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • The triall of witch-craft, shewing the true and right methode of the discouery: with a confutation of erroneous wayes / By Iohn Cotta, doctor in physicke.
  • Witches putting a creature in a boiling cauldron. Lithograph after Biard.
  • Medea draining the blood of Aeson in order to rejuvenate him with her special brew. Engraving.
  • Magicians leaving the wood where they successfully performed incantations. Etching by P.Sandby and E. Rooker, 1763, after J. Collins.
  • A witch at her cauldron surrounded by monsters. Etching by Jan van de Velde II, 1626.
  • Preparation for the witches' sabbath. Engraving by J. Aliamet after D. Teniers the younger, 1755.
  • A room with hallucinatory beings and weird furnishings. Watercolour by Auguste Laurent, 1844.
  • Eleanor doing penance for witchcraft. Engraving by A. Smith, 1811, after R. Smirke.
  • Wizards and witches offering a new-born baby to their master. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified / Written for the conviction of sadduces & infidels. By Richard Baxter.
  • Witches meeting and performing spell. Etching by J.A.A. Pastelot.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A witch points at Cupid above, Mars [Ares] (?) sleeps behind her. Engraving by Q. Boel after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • An episode in Macbeth by William Shakespeare: the three witches. Mezzotint by J.R. Smith, 1785, after H. Fuseli, 1783.
  • A witch, raising her arm above a flaming cauldron, recites a spell; a young woman kneels in front of the cauldron. Mezzotint by J. Dixon after J.H. Mortimer, 1773.
  • Three old hags surround a basket of new-born babies with bats in the distance. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • A room with hallucinatory beings and weird furnishings. Watercolour by Auguste Laurent, 1844.