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63 results filtered with: Suicide
  • A man suffering from depressed spirits ("hypochondria") being tormented by doleful spectres. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after J. Dunthorne, 1788.
  • A shell-shocked man in a uniform of the British Army seated on a rock, with a sunset behind, about to kill himself. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1973.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra is sitting on a chair while the asp wriggles up her right arm. Stipple engraving by Clark after himself.
  • A young woman rushes to the aid of a woman (Lady Strawberry) fainting into the arms of servants after taking poison, with her distressed husband (Lord Strawberry) standing nearby. Aquatint.
  • Stoicism: above, the suicide of Seneca; middle, Zeno and Chrysippus; below, the suicides of Socrates and Cato. Engraving by W. Hole, ca. 1614.
  • Pontius Pilate prepares to kill himself in remorse. Engraving by G. Mochetti after B. Pinelli.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: the asp wriggles around Cleopatra's left arm and is about to bite her in the breast. Heliogravure after S. Beham.
  • Vous vous posez des questions sur... : la sexualité, le sida, les hépatites, les drogues, le tabac, le mal-être, les allergies, l'alcool, les IST, les malades rares... : ...pour y répondre vous pouves contacter: ...  / INPES, Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé [and 16 others].
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • Vous vous posez des questions sur... : la sexualité, le sida, les hépatites, les drogues, le tabac, le mal-être, les allergies, l'alcool, les IST, les malades rares... : ...pour y répondre vous pouves contacter: ...  / INPES, Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé [and 16 others].
  • An episode in the play Olimpie by Voltaire: Olympia throws herself on the fire out of her love for Cassander, the murderer of her father Alexander the Great. Etching by Walker after H. Gravelot.
  • A young man holding a dagger threatens to kill himself while a young lady sitting on a chair next to him smiles at him, not taking his threat seriously. Coloured lithograph by J.G. Scheffer.
  • A woman with a weight attached to her neck by a chain prepares to throw herself into a river. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1959.
  • A man suffering from depressed spirits ("hypochondria"), being tormented by doleful spectres. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after J. Dunthorne, 1788.
  • Death and three fates on an ox-drawn carriage; historical figures die on the ground beneath; representing the triumph of death. Engraving by S. Pomarede, 1748, after G. Buti after  Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • A woman with a weight attached to her neck by a chain prepares to throw herself into a river. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1959.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra holding the asp in her left hand. Stipple engraving by Sherwin after G.B. Cipriani.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Roman soldiers discover Cleopatra lying dead on her bed with the asp wriggling on her left arm and her dead maid lying next to the bed. Line engraving by E. Smith after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino.
  • Lucretia about to kill herself. Engraving by C. Mellan after S. Vouet.
  • A destitute girl throws herself from a bridge, her life ruined by alcoholism. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848.
  • Seneca preparing his own death in his bath. Engraving by C. Galle, 1615, after P.P. Rubens.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra lies on her bed clasping the tail of the asp that just bit her. Lithograph after Guido Reni.
  • A woman wearing a green dress hangs herself from a tree in a forest. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1958.
  • Socrates, preparing to kill himself, urges his grieving friends and students to moderate their grief. Engraving by J.F.P. Peyron, 1790.
  • Samson brings the house down upon himself and the Philistines. Engraving by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Seneca preparing his own death with his foot in a bath. Coloured engraving by S.F. Ravenet after R. Earlom after Luca Giordano.
  • The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra is standing next to her bed holding the asp in her left hand. Line engraving by N. Mire after J.B. Wicar after G. Reni, 1788.
  • A poor painter seated at a canvas contemplates suicide. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • The suicide of Dido: Dido seated on a pyre surrounded by distressed servants. Etching by G.C. Testa after P. Testa.
  • A destitute girl throws herself from a bridge, her life ruined by alcoholism. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.