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38 results filtered with: Poisons
  • Adzooks! 'Adalin' is not a poison... : the proof of liver extract 'Campolon' is in the blood-count.
  • Alexander the Great demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip of Acarnania by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him despite allegations that it was a poison. Oil painting by Benjamin West, ca. 1771.
  • Alexander the Great demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip of Acarnania by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him despite allegations that it was a poison. Oil painting by Benjamin West, ca. 1771.
  • Fly and maggot oil : poison : a most effective preparation.
  • Alexander the Great demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip of Acarnania by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him despite allegations that it was a poison. Oil painting by Benjamin West, ca. 1771.
  • Humane destruction of rats and mice / by C.W. Hume.
  • Astley's prepared wheat : to poison mice, sparrows, and all sorts of small vermin, without danger to animals of a larger growth... / J. Astley.
  • A mechanical account of poisons in several essays / By Richard Mead.