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55 results filtered with: Muscle
  • Nerve in skeletal muscle, showing dystrophin location
  • Septuagesimatertia Tabula. Engraving shwoing the muscles of the buttock's
  • Nerve movement in forearm, ultrasound, neck side flexion
  • Nerve movement in forearm during typing, ultrasound
  • Face sculpture
  • Neuromuscular junctions in fast-twitch muscle fibres
  • Nerve movement in forearm, ultrasound, shoulder adduction
  • Neuromuscular junction in fast-twitch muscle
  • A human hand anatomised and preserved for teaching.
  • Neuromuscular junction in fast-twitch muscle
  • Embryonic mouse limb
  • Splendid physical types shown here are illustrative of some of the results that followed Eugene Sandow's lecture tour
  • Nerve movement in forearm, ultrasound, shoulder adduction
  • Experiments in physiology. Facial expressions; Amazement
  • Nerve movement in forearm, ultrasound, hand joint extension
  • Fast and slow muscle fibres in zebrafish myotomes
  • Neuromuscular junction showing the association of the nerves and the muscle fibres. This image is taken from a Drosophila larva and shows the neuromuscular junctions stained with green fluorescence protein (GFP) in association with the muscle fibres in red. The muscle is stained with an antibody which provides the red colour and also shows the striated pattern of the contractile filaments (sarcomers) of the muscle.
  • Zebrafish embryos with green fluorescent myotomes
  • Nerve movement in forearm, elbow extension, ultrasound
  • Developing muscles and their innervation during metamorphosis
  • A human hand anatomised and preserved for teaching.
  • Vigesimaseptima Tabula. Engraving of a flayed female back showing the muscles such as Trapizius
  • Trigesima Tabula. Engraving of a flayed back showing the spine and Processus muscle
  • A human hand anatomised and preserved for teaching.
  • Table 70. Dissection of the arm and hand showing the muscles.