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218 results filtered with: Men
  • The naked bodies of a man and woman embracing with the message 'the desire to live'; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement for the AIDS-Tukikeskus, the AIDS support centre by the Finnish AIDS Council. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A woman in yellow with long black hair hugging the purple silhouette of a man representing a warning about the dangers of casual sex and AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the National AIDS Committee in Vietnam. Colour lithograph by Vú Huyén, ca. 1995.
  • A naked figure standing pleased with himself as he wears a condom on his erect penis with the words 'in: with a condom'; below, the same naked figure stands red with embarrassment holding his head and genitals without a condom with the words 'out: without a condom' in German; an advertisement for safe sex by the AHS [AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz], ASS [AIDS Suisse Contre le SIDA] and AAS [Aiuto AIDS Svizzero]. Colour lithograph.
  • Man and woman : a study of human secondary sexual characters / by Havelock Ellis.
  • A man's hand on the back of the damp neck of another man with the message 'remember condoms'; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement for the AIDS-Tukikeskus, the AIDS support centre by the Finnish AIDS Council. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Frederick the Great : the English giant : born at Bayswater, age 19 : Height nearly 8 ft. and still growing. Weight over 22 stone. Can span 8 ft. Biggest hands in the world.
  • A man with AIDS deep in thought crouching down looking to the right; a warning in English and Malay about the dangers of casual sex and contracting AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The Turkish Tom Thumb (Pasha Hayati Hassid) : height 30 inches, speaks seven langauges : introduced into England by Lloyd Forsyth.
  • Die dickste Eiche und Deutschlands dicksten Mann, seht euch in Ostseebad Kellenhusen an : Fünfhundert Pfund und mehr ist Meister Feig schwer.
  • Souvenir from the Hungarian Fat Boy : age 18 years. Weight over 30 stone.
  • A man of Simla, standing in a prison with manacles around his ankles. Watercolour by R. Clint, 1866.
  • Men now... Take Care / HIV/AIDS Team, Lothian Health Board.
  • Frederick the Great : the English giant : born at Bayswater, age 19 : Height nearly 8 ft. and still growing. Weight over 22 stone. Can span 8 ft. Biggest hands in the world.
  • [Newspaper cutting, "A soft snap" (in the series 'snap-shots') featuring a cartoon and a Living Skeleton and a Wild Man of Borneo talking about a Two-Headed Man. ].
  • Souvenir from the Hungarian Fat Boy : age 18 years. Weight over 30 stone.
  • The word 'AIDS' in Hindi with 4 images showing the multiple silhouettes of a man and woman against a pink background representing the dangers of having multiple partners and contracting AIDS; includes a condom being removed from its packet and the feet of a man and woman below; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement in Hindi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Cupid presides over a group of naked women who sit separated from groups of yearning men; symbolising the passion of love. Etching by J. Audran after C. Gillot.
  • A black and white image of a naked man and woman making love within a coloured larger image of the faces of a man and woman; with the message in German that before you forget everything, don't forget condoms; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Machnow : the Russian giant : the tallest man on Earth : Height, 9ft 2 1/2 inches. Weight, 360 lbs. Age, 28.
  • The black silhouettes of a man and woman sitting talking at a table attended by a waiter and a musician either side; an advertisement for the Stop AIDS Campaign as part of World AIDS Day on 1st December in Japan. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990.
  • A communal house, the men sit drinking around a table while the women look after the children, weave hay and the older children cook. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • A man of Simla, squatting in a prison with manacles around his ankles. Watercolour by R. Clint, 1866.
  • A woman working in a bar pushes away a man who makes advances towards her, a briefcase full of money lies open on the bar beside him; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A Pakistani man and woman within a red no entry sign representing a warning about the dangers of unsafe sex and AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Hank, world's tallest bartender, 7 ft 8 inches : Terry, world's shortest bartender, 4ft 11 inches : see us at Bradley's 5 and 10, longest bar in the world : Fillmore Street, between Geary & Post, San Francisco.
  • The black silhouettes of a man and woman sitting with their backs to each other with their head in their hands and a message in Portuguese; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Ministry of Health, Mozambique. Colour lithograph by Jacques Schwatzstein and Xuxo Lara, ca. 1996.
  • The groin area of a naked man and woman blocked by the message 'Weiterso' with growing condoms reflecting the increasing statistics of those in the 17 to 30 age group using condoms with each new sexual partner; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' prevention campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph, 1992 [?].
  • A fisherman who has AIDS hauling in a net of fish from his boat as his female partner stands holding a fish in one hand while balancing a large bowl of fish on her head within a red and turquoise dotted decorative border; with the message who will catch the fish (when he has died?); an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph for Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A naked couple making love representing a safe-sex advertisement by the Department of Health, CTA (Central Tibetan Administration), Dharamsala. Colour lithograph by Passang Thupten, ca. 1997.
  • A woman raises her finger to her male partner as they walk along together representing a safe-sex advertisement for Salama condoms by the Tanzania AIDS Project Social Marketing Unit (PSI) as part of AIDSCAP. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.