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235 results filtered with: Berlin (Germany)
  • A worried sedentary office worker needing a cure for haemorrhoids; advertising the "Stop" remedy for haemorrhoids. Colour lithograph by P. Scheurich, ca. 1910.
  • A naked man lies beside a naked woman with a sheet wrapped around her; he holds her hand in which she holds a condom packet; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • Lectures on AIDS to be given at the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V., in 1994. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A woman in a black and white dress singing next to a microphone with a man as their band members play the drums and guitar in the background; an advertisement for support for those with AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A red stiletto heel wearing a condom against a turquoise and black crocodile skin background; an advertisement by Hydra, a meeting and counselling place for prostitutes. Colour lithograph by Sehstern Kommunikation.
  • A man walks arm in arm with a woman while looking back at a prostitute in a check coat; representing the need for prostitutes to use condoms to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph after Ullstein Bilderdienst for Hydra, 199-.
  • A group of men of different race stand in a line smiling with their arms around each other; includes a message about the similarities of being gay and mixed race; an advertisement about AIDS prevention by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • A young man talking on the phone; representing the telephone advice service of the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Ernst von Bergmann operating in an amphitheatre. Photogravure, 1907, after F. Skarbina, 1906.
  • A woman and a man sit on a bed staring at a condom as if it floats magically mid-air; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A man who overcame an aversion to spinach advising HIV-positive people not to give up hope of living but to seek counselling. Colour lithograph by Projekt-PR and C. Padberg after A. Buss for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • A naked man makes a telephone call to number '175' and gets no connexion; advertising the AIDS helpline by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe and AIDS-Hilfe DDR. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Wolfgang Mudra, 1990.
  • A face with fangs with a fist emerging from a white spiky form against a turquoise background; advertising a benefit festival in Berlin for AIDS assistance. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A woman who is HIV positive asserts her right to decide whether to have a baby. Colour lithograph after R. Westerwelle, 1994.
  • A naked man in the open pondering questions regarding safer sex; an advertisement for the Prenzelberger AIDS Projekt. Colour lithograph by Michael Taubenheim and ComDesign Werbeagentur, 199-.
  • Dear Friends : as many of you already know, the IX International Conference on AIDS and the IV STD World Conference are due to take place from 7th to 11th June 1993 in Berlin ... / Mabel Bianco.
  • Two gay men lean into each other as they stand at a bar with drinks with the message: "[HIV] positive living. Anyone can be [HIV] positive. Without knowing it. This means for everyone, protecting themselves and others. Even positive living"; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Jörg Reichardt and Detlev Pusch.
  • A child holding a spoon leaning on the shoulders of his father with the message in German: "I have AIDS. With cancer I would have a chance"; an advertisement by the AIDS-Forum Berlin e.V [part of the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.]. Colour lithograph.
  • A naked man is held by another who looks directly at another man in the foreground; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Norbert Heuler and Detlev Pusch.
  • The faces of two men behind red roses, advertising the film "Taxi zum Klo". Colour lithograph for [Berliner?] AIDS-Hilfe.
  • Arhovin : ist nach den übereinstimmenden Berichten zahlreicher Autoren von Ruf das beste interne Antigonorrhoikum ...
  • General Town Hospital, Berlin: two floor plans and a plan of the site, with a key. Photolithograph after H. Saxon Snell.
  • A man with an earring kissing the nipple of another man standing; advertising safe sex services provided by Mannometer, the helpline for gay men in Germany to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Friedrich Baumhauer and Burkhard Paschke, 199-.
  • Two gay men in drag having breakfast in an empty open-air restaurant, advertising Thursday gay breakfasts at the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe office. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • People huddled together within prison walls edged with barbed wire with a lone figure bottom right suggesting the social isolation of someone who has AIDS; an advertisement for the information line for those affected by AIDS in prison by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph.
  • A man (Pascal?) standing in an alcove pressing his right hand to his heart; representing grief for AIDS-victims, to be expressed in a procession in Berlin. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • A young man and woman sitting together on a park bench, with a warning against the danger of sexually transmitted disease due to sex with unfamiliar partners. Colour lithograph by G.C. Schulz, ca. 1946.
  • Silver hearts, half-hearts and droplets interpersed with German and English sex-related words; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by John Lindell and Frank Wagner for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Two prisoners sitting together in a cell and one watching them from a distance; representing unwarranted social isolation of AIDS-infected and ill people in jail. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A musical score and details of a charity gala for AIDS in Rostock. Lithograph, 1995.