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969 results filtered with: Book
  • Anatomie from Diderot's Encyclopedie
  • page 111 "Illustrations of the Great Operations of Surgery", 1820
  • Haeckel's Evolution of Man. This plate shows the embryos of four mammals in the three corresponding stages: of a Hog (H), Calf (C), Rabbit (R), and a Man (M). The conditions of the three different stages of development, which the three crossroads (I,II,III) represent, are selected to correspond as exactly as possible.
  • Engraving of allegory of man (anatomy) from, Le Grand, An entire body of philosophy..., 1694
  • R. Vieussens, 1685: meninges folded back
  • Sketches of anatomy
  • Title page of Buxton, Herman Boerhaave, An Account...
  • Tabula B from "Darstellung des Knochenbaues von dem menschlichen Korper", J. M. Fischer, 1806
  • Chemical laboratory - description of apparatus, Paris. 1760
  • "Anger" from le Brun, Heads. Representing the various passions of the soul..., circa 1760
  • Dedication to Queen Elizabeth "Compendiosa...anatomiae..."
  • The skeleton of a man for comparison with that of a bird. See page 41 for bird illustration.
  • Old map of the ward of Cheap, circa 1750.
  • Picture storage racks at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Mobile picture racks, from City of Liverpool Libraries, Museums and Arts Committee. Annual Reports, 1956.
  • Poster advertising the entertainment of the Davenport Brothers.
  • Family statistics regarding 'hazel-eyed families', Francis Galton, 1889
  • Title page "De Ripa tractatus de peste", Franciscus, 1538
  • Explication of the Chirurgie Instruments.
  • C.H. von Noorden; metabolism
  • Female figure with various diseases, late 15th century.
  • Bottling milk for the Infant Welfare Centre, Brussels, 1897
  • Frontispiece "Des getreuen Eckharts entlauffener Chymicus..."
  • Engravings of techniques of blood transfusion from animal to man.
  • Frontispiece to Charleton's Inquires into Human Nature.
  • Portrait of Jean François Fernel [1497? – 1558], a French physician
  • On . . modifications of the Vaccine pustule, 1819.
  • Hablot-Knight Browne: Elixir of Long Life. 19th C
  • J.N. Lieberkuhn, Dissertatio anatomico...1745
  • Haeckel's Evolution of Man. This plate represents the embryos of two of the lower, and two of the higher Vertebrates in three different stages: of a fish (F); of an amphibian (salamandar,S); of a reptile (tortoise,T); and of a bird (chick,A).
  • Portrait of Charles A. Calmette.