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2,347 results
  • Sir William Herschel. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson, 1823, after F. Rehberg, 1814.
  • William Buchan. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Wales.
  • Matthew Baillie. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Hoppner.
  • Matthew Baillie. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Hoppner.
  • John Brown [Bruno]. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Donaldson.
  • John Brown [Bruno]. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Donaldson.
  • Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb; weapons hang from above. Engraving by J. Thomson, 1846, after J. Franklin after Rembrandt.
  • Edward Barlow. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson.
  • Charles Hutton. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson, 1823, after W. Derby after S. Gahagan.
  • John Abernethy. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Partridge, 1817.
  • John Abernethy. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Partridge, 1819.
  • Thomas Thomson. Mezzotint by J. Faed, 1853, after J. Graham Gilbert.
  • John Gordon. Line engraving by J. Burnet, 1810, after W. J. Thomson.
  • Sir Humphry Davy. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after J. Lonsdale, 1822.
  • James Watt. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson, 1820, after T. Griffiths after Sir T. Lawrence, 1815.
  • Johann Caspar Spurzheim. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson, 1825, after H. Corbould after a sculpted bust.
  • John Gordon. Watercolour painting by W. J. Thomson [?].
  • Public disinfectors from the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, London. Woodburytype after a photograph by J. Thomson, 1877.
  • Foochow, China: four people with leprosy, wearing thick clothing, standing outside a wooden hut. Photograph by J. Thomson, 1873.
  • James Wardrop. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after A. Geddes.
  • James Wardrop. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after A. Geddes.
  • Robert Charles Muirhead-Thomson. Photograph by L.J. Bruce-Chwatt.
  • John Abernethy. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after himself, 1823.
  • George Birkbeck. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after W. Derby.
  • Samuel Argent Bardsley. Lithograph by J. Thomson after C. A. Duval.
  • Julius Griffiths. Stipple engraving by E. Mitchell after W.J. Thomson.
  • Thomas Thomson. Stipple engraving by C. Cook after J. G. Gilbert.
  • Julius Griffiths. Stipple engraving by E. Mitchell after W.J. Thomson.
  • William Heberden. Stipple engraving by J. Thomson after Sir W. Beechey.
  • Henry Baker. Stipple engraving by W. Nutter, 1812, after J. Thomson.