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109 results
  • Left, a fimbriated tortoise shown from below; right, a fimbriated tortoise shown from the side. Etching by Heath.
  • An African land tortoise. Coloured etching.
  • Burns to shell of a tortoise
  • Intravenous injection into tail of tortoise
  • Tortoise with deep burn on carapace
  • Tortoise: swelling on thigh - haematoma
  • Tortoise with plastron removed - viscera
  • Transverse section of a tortoise's abscess
  • Tortoise: inflammation of cloaca - lameness
  • A common tortoise. Etching by Heath.
  • Lacerated, amputated penis of a tortoise.
  • Dosing a tortoise with a syringe.
  • Radiograph of tortoise - dorso-vertral view
  • Radiograph of tortoise - cranio-caudal view
  • Lawn mower damage to shell of tortoise
  • Tortoise: swelling on neck due to abscess
  • Lawn mower lesion to shell of tortoise
  • Tortoise: burn on shell has caused necrosis
  • Tortoise: "shell rot" - raw area protected
  • Tortoise: shell burn - horny layer destroyed
  • Darwin : giant tortoise and cactus finch.
  • Radiograph of normal eggs in a tortoise.
  • Tortoise with respiratory distress due to severe
  • Egg of oxyuris from faeces of a tortoise
  • The Eight Techniques of the Spirit Tortoise, woodcut
  • A tortoise. Etching by E. Stalker, ca. 1801.
  • Ticks on the skin of a tortoise's thigh.
  • Tortoise: a healed bonfire burn - some years
  • Tortoise: retained scutes. (Note how the rims are
  • Tortoise: cloacal prolapse - often a sequel to