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90 results
  • The lunatic asylum, Brussels, Belgium. Lithograph by A.M. Jobard.
  • Elevations and details of the iron aqueduct and bridge at Cysylte, the aqueduct at Langdon, the aqueduct at Chirk and the roof of the tunnel over the Prince Regent canal. Lithograph by Jobard after Collon.
  • Jean Marie Baud. Lithograph by A. Lemonnier after M. Hess, 1827.
  • A Scotch horned steer standing in an open landscape with hills beyond. Lithograph by A. M. Gauci after himself, 1868.
  • Thomas Henry Huxley. Wood engraving by M. K. Wright, 1891, after A. Bassano.
  • Arabian coffee tree (Coffea arabica): flowering stem, fruit and seed. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Peach plant (Prunus persica): flowers and fruit. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Surinam quassia wood (Quassia amara): flowering stem and leaf. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Borneo camphor tree (Dryobalanops aromatica): flowers, leafy stem and sectioned seed. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Cotton tree (Gossypium herbaceum): flower, fruits and seed. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Fly agaric fungus (Amanita muscaria): three fruiting bodies, one sectioned. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • A camellia (Camellia japonica): a double red and single white flower. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum): white flowers, seed capsule and seeds. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale): flowers, leaves and sectioned corm. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum): flowering stem, fruit and seeds. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • A lily (Lilium species): flower and leaves. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Moss rose (Rosa centifolia 'Muscosa'): flowering stem. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum): white flowers, seed capsule and seeds. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Almond plant (Prunus dulcis): flowers, fruit and seed. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis): fruiting stem, leaf, fruit and flowers. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • A rhododendron (Rhododendron species): flowering branch and gynoecium. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Quince (Cydonia oblonga): fruit, flowers and sectioned fruit. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Cuckoo-pint (Arum maculatum): spathe and spadix with hairs and flowers, fruiting stem, leaf and tuber. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Fungi: 16 species, including Jew's ear (Auricularia auricula), puffballs (Lycoperdon) and Agaricus and Boletus species. Coloured lithograph by A. Cornillon, ca. 1827, after Prieur.
  • Poisonous fungi: 24 species, including Agaricus, Hypophyllum and Amanita species. Coloured lithograph by A. Cornillon, c. 1827, after Prieur.
  • Fungi: twenty species, including the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), death cap (Amanita phalloides) and Boletus and Agaricus species. Coloured lithograph by A. Cornillon, c. 1827, after Prieur.
  • Edible fungi: 19 species, including horse and field mushrooms (Agaricus), morels (Morchella and Helvella) and Boletus species. Coloured lithograph by A. Cornillon, ca. 1827, after Prieur.
  • University Museum, Oxford: detail of the window. Wood engraving by J.M. Williams, 1860, after A.M. Williams.
  • Swansea Infirmary, Swansea: proposed plans. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1865, after J.M. Rogers after A. Graham.
  • A man stirring his broth contemplates his injured head which he holds with his hand. Mezzotint by A. Huffam, 1826, after M.W. Sharp.