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74 results
  • The blind school, Southwark: with a bustling street scene. Lithograph by L. Haghe, ca.1835, after J. Johnson.
  • A complete herbal ... / by James Newton, containing the prints and the English names of several thousand trees, plants, shrubs, flowers, exotics, etc. Many of which are not to be found in the herbals of either Gerard, Johnson or Parkinson.
  • Saint Bartholomew's Hospital reports.
  • Saint Bartholomew's Hospital reports.
  • King George III sits in his library pondering which advice to accept: to govern by law or by force. Engraving, 1771.
  • Dr Barclay's advocation to the proposed professorship of comparative anatomy supported and opposed; represented by him riding the skeleton of an elephant into the university of Edinburgh. Etching by J. Kay, 1817.
  • John Gregory. Stipple engraving by J. Beugo, 1787, after F. Cotes, 1764.
  • John Gregory. Stipple engraving by W. Ridley, 1804, after F. Cotes, 1764.
  • Dr Barclay's advocation to the proposed professorship of comparative anatomy supported and opposed: represented by him riding the skeleton of an elephant into the University of Edinburgh. Etching by J. Kay, 1817.
  • St John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London: the north side. Engraving by J. Peltro.
  • St John's Abbey Church, above, and St John's Gate, below, Clerkenwell, London. Engraving by G. Vertue after J. Deane after a manuscript.
  • St John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London: the north side. Watercolour by R. Rushen.
  • John Gerard. Line engraving by T. Berry after J. Payne, 1633.
  • John Gerard. Line engraving by T. Berry after J. Payne, 1633.
  • Sir John Hill. Mezzotint by R. Houston after F. Cotes, 1757.
  • Sir John Hill. Mezzotint by R. Houston after F. Cotes, 1757.
  • Gate of the Hospital of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Clerkenwell, London, surrounded by thatched domestic buildings. Engraving after W. Hollar.
  • St John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London: the north side. Lithograph by R. K. Thomas after W. P. Griffith, 1845.
  • Sir John Hill (above); and the White House at Kew (below). Engraving by G. Vendramini, 1799, after F. Cotes 1757.
  • Sir John Hill (above); and the White House at Kew (below). Engraving by G. Vendramini, 1799, after F. Cotes 1757.
  • Joseph Lister giving thanks for a testimonial and portrait presented to him at King's College Hospital, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1895. Process print after A.S. Boyd, 1895.
  • John Gerard: portrait and botanical motifs. Line engraving by J. Payne, 1633.
  • A woman diagnosed as suffering from melancholia. Colour lithograph, 1892, after J. Williamson, 1890.
  • An old man diagnosed as suffering from senile dementia. Colour lithograph, 1896, after J. Williamson, ca. 1890.
  • A woman diagnosed as suffering from chronic dementia. Colour lithograph, 1896, after J. Williamson, ca. 1890.
  • A woman diagnosed as suffering from mania. Colour lithograph, 1892, after J. Williamson, 1890.
  • Three exact pieces of Leonard Phioravant viz. His rationall secrets, and chirurgery, reviewed and revived / Together with a book of excellent experiments and secrets, collected out of the practises of severall expert men in both faculties [by John Hester] Whereunto is annexed Paracelsus his one hundred and fourteen experiments: with certain excellent works of B.G. [Penotus] à Portu Aquitano [i.e. B.G. Penot] Also Isaac Hollandus his Secrets concerning his vegetall and animall work. With Quercetanus [i.e. J. Duchesne] his Spagyrick antidotary for gun-shot.
  • Buildings and members of Pembroke College, Oxford. Lithograph by Beynon & Company.
  • A woman diagnosed as suffering from hilarious mania. Colour lithograph, 1892, after J. Williamson, 1890.
  • Epistolae. Opera philosophica / [Lucius Annaeus Seneca].